Roof Piece Jump

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When I gained full consciousness in the hospital ward I got sucked into, I was like, "Woooaaahhh! I must be dreamin'! Who are these kids??"

I just wanted to grab a shirt from my cupboard, not get teleported to a random ward! What would my parents do once I'm gone? The other kids introduced themselves as Arthur, Ayden and Carla. Surprisingly, we all share the same medical issue as our names!

All of a sudden, the hospital roof crashed down onto the floor! CRASH! I shrieked and the four of us quickly backed away in horror. Luckily, only one half of the hospital ward was obliterated. The middle of the roof was completely gone, only the vibrant, blue sky was visible. The ground was different; there were large and tall pieces of the roof sticking out of the ground. The ground was completely gone in the middle, apart from the remains of the roof. It was like a ravine with platforms.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" screamed Ayden.

"What just happened??" gasped Carla.

"There might be a door to get us outta here!" shouted Arthur, who spun around. There was no door on our side of the ward.

"Guys, we're stuck!" I wailed.

"No, we won't be," assured Carla, putting her hand on my shoulder. I wish my friends were as comforting as her. They're all fair-weather friends (apart from Holly, of course).

Carla observed the surroundings carefully for a moment, then declared, "The only way to get out is to...well...jump on the roof pieces to get to the other side...unfortunately."

Ayden looked bewildered. "There's an other side?? I'm not good at being observant."

There might be an exit on the other side of the ravine in the middle, I thought.

"Come on, lets jump like cattle and get to the udder side!" I joked (I got the joke from Holly, but no one laughs).

Arthur looks uncertain, but Ayden's already jumped on the first roof piece. The roof pieces are enough to fit one person. He looks like he's seen a ghost, he might be afraid of heights. The distance between each piece is enough to jump from. Ayden jumps to the second piece without any sign of tentativity.

 Ayden jumps to the second piece without any sign of tentativity

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"I s-shouldn't be jumping," stuttered Arthur.

"Why?" I aks.

"It's not good for my hips."

"Take it easy."


"Take it easy," said Dia.

I take a deep breath, them LEAP! I leap onto the first roof piece. I wobbled a bit, but I managed to stay balanced. A small, sharp pain runs through my hips, as if it might crack.

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