I saw him

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Jimin's pov:

I finally saw him...

My heart beat was going faster with each seconds. The handsomely devilish man was coming towards us. Oh my god! What should I? Should I smile at him? Should I do handshake? OMG I am freaking out.

The man stood infront of me. He gave a devilish smile. Oh god what should I do? Oh I should smile him back. Don't be nervous. It's ok you can do this. This man was giving me a dominating aura. I am getting scared.

I pushed aside my thoughts and smile back at him. He forward his hand wanting to handshake. We handshaked and he said, Hey, I am Jeon Jungkook. I said, I am jimin, Park jimin.

Oh so his name is Jungkook. His name is also hot like hell and I think he is a lava because I am melting from his heat.

I nervously smiled at him. I am so awkward. Then he hugged tae and said Let's go to our table while looking at me.

We went and sat down. I saw the price of each foods. Oh my god my I have literally no money. How am I gonna even order?

Suddenly jungkook asked, What do you want to eat? Just as I was about to say something taehyung interrupted me saying, kook just order whatever you want but Don't order mushrooms, jimin is allergic to it.

Jungkook nodded and ordered our food. I heard what was he ordering. I checked what he just ordered. The way my jaw dropped seeing the price. Are they making the food with diamonds or something?

Jungkook looked at me and gave me a gentle smile. He looks so preety like a devil. I mean he is handsome and I think he is a gentle type. I wanted a prince charming just like this. Will he be my prince charming?

Taehyung's pov:

Jimin Don't worry he will be your picture perfect prince charming. I know you are really impressed. As time will go you will fall in love with him and you are under 18 so It wouldn’t be that hard to make you fall in love with Jungkook.

Jungkook might be psychopath but I know he will never hurt you. I can see your eyes jimin, it holds so much emotions. Jungkook was expecting this day to come.

Oh jimin!! Finalyy you met jungkook. Our plan is working. Jungkook needs you. He wants you so much that you can't imagine. I see you are falling for him. You will see him as gentle type but baby he is far then Gentle. He Don't even have G in Gentle.

You are falling for him and in a blink, he will be your god and you will be his servant fulfilling all his commands.

I looked at jungkook and smirked at him. He smirked back. This the only beginning.

Jungkook's pov:

Oh jimin you should have hide from me. Now I have found you and you found me. I know that you want me baby, but I also want you too.

Jimin's pov:

Our food finally came. Loooks delicious but the price, can I really eat. Jungkook said, Don't hesitate and dive in! Today the treat is mine and It's our first time I mean First time I saw you.I chuckled after hearing that.

I smiled at him and said, Ok if you say so. I dived in to the food. Mmm, I moaned. The food was really good. I complimented. He looked at me and said, I am pleased that you enjoyed the food. Suddenly he came close to me, there is an inch close to our face. I closed my eyes wanting to know what he was doing.

The sudden urge just to kiss him, just to feel his lips. I wanted that. But my dream shattered. He wiped my lips because there were some cream. He said, Easy kitten, No one is trying to take your food. He licked his finger while saying that.

I was shocked because he wiped the cream with his fingers then he licked it. Second he fucking called me kitten, he gave me a nickname oh shit. Oh my god this hot men just called me kitten. My legs were doing something and my stomach I think I have butterflies no i have the fucking zoo. Gosh.This man knows how to do some things.

What the hell is happening to me? We finished our food and Tae said, ok guys I am going I have a date. Oh no I forgot about tae's date. I said, Ok then I will go with you. He said, jimin Don't worry stay with jungkook and get to know eachother. What will you do in my date? Don't worry and just enjoy with jungkook. I am going now, bye.

Before I was about to say something tae went. I looked at jungkook nervously and said, Guess we have to spend time with eachother.

He gave me a mysterious smirk...

Jungkook's pov:

Ok then, Let's go. Jimin looked at me with confused face and said Where? I said, you will see but for now come with me.We got up and left the building. I opened my car and said, sit. He sat with a confused look in the face. He was really nervous.

Such a kitten...

Ok guys that was it. I hope you enjoyed it. Finally jungkook and jimin met. I am so sorry that I am not updating regularly but my exam will end in 20 march. So please wait for me. If i get a chance I will surely update. On the other hand you can check my other books.

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