22~ Hyung over Van?

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ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ

Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin found themselves huddled on the couch, enveloped by a heavy silence. Each of them was lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, uncertainty looming over their conversation.

In a hesitant voice, Jungkook finally broke the quietude. "So, you're suggesting that Namjoon is Kim Van?"

Jin's response came in a slow nod, tears glistening in his eyes. Feeling the weight of his hyung's distress, Jungkook reached out, gently clasping Jin's trembling hands.

"Don't lose hope, hyung," Jungkook urged softly. "We can't jump to conclusions. You saw the love in Namjoon hyung's eyes; it's hard to believe he could be Kim Van."

Jin's voice quivered as he spoke, "I know what I saw, Jungkook. I saw Namjoon that day, I saw everything. How can it not be him?"

Jungkook bit his lip, his mind grappling with conflicting emotions. "But actions speak louder than words, right? Namjoon hyung's actions, his gestures towards you... they speak of love. It's hard to reconcile that with the idea of him being Kim Van."

Before Jin could respond, Jimin interjected, springing up from the couch with sudden clarity in his eyes.

"It's Namjoon who delivers the bouquets, yes, but maybe someone else is the mastermind behind it all," Jimin proposed, a hopeful smile gracing his lips.

Jungkook and Jin exchanged puzzled glances, prompting Jimin to elaborate.

"Giving and sending aren't necessarily the same. Perhaps Namjoon is being coerced or manipulated into these actions by someone else. We can't definitively label him as Kim Van just yet. We need to stay positive."

Jungkook's eyes brightened with understanding. "That makes sense. Maybe Namjoon hyung is being controlled by someone else, someone like Van."

"But why doesn't Van come forward himself?" Jimin pondered aloud. "Perhaps he's too afraid," Jungkook suggested with a roll of his eyes.

"Or maybe... he's not even in Korea," Jin interjected, causing Jungkook and Jimin to snap their attention towards him. The possibility lingered in the air, a plausible theory.

Their eyebrows raised in unison as Jungkook voiced their collective realization. "He's Korean, but he doesn't reside in Korea."

"Add that to the list," Jimin declared, swiftly jotting down the newfound clue.

"We've got another lead. And let's scratch Namjoon hyung off the suspect list," Jimin proclaimed, a hint of triumph in his voice.

"Namjoon hyung's involvement suggests a connection between him and Van. If we apply some pressure, maybe he'll crack and give us answers," Jungkook suggested, his mind already strategizing.

Jin and Jimin nodded in agreement. "But will Namjoon reveal anything willingly?" Jin questioned.

"That's where you come in, hyung," Jungkook replied with a smirk. "If Namjoon's working for Van, then you work for me. Show him your love, hyung. Be bold. You've got this."

Encouraged by Jungkook's words, Jimin chimed in, "You've got our support, hyung! Fighting!"

"But what if he doesn't feel the same way?" Jin's voice wavered with uncertainty.

"Stop overthinking, hyung!" Jungkook and Jimin exclaimed in unison, their frustration palpable.

"Okay," Jin conceded, his voice soft with resolve.


As the night enveloped the surroundings, Jungkook found himself seated on the balcony, his gaze fixed upon the luminous full moon hanging in the sky. Thoughts swirled tumultuously in his mind, weighed down by the events of the day.

A pang of sadness gripped Jungkook's heart as he reflected on the sight of his beloved Jin Hyung's tears. They had been inseparable since childhood, their bond unbreakable, their commitment to each other unwavering.

The thought of causing Jin Hyung pain was unbearable to Jungkook, a sharp ache that gnawed at his conscience.

"Am I doing the right thing? Am I hurting Hyung?" Jungkook mused aloud, his voice barely above a whisper. The turmoil within him was palpable, his inner conflict casting a shadow over his thoughts.

"Should I intervene? Should I reach out to Van and insist on involving Namjoon Hyung?" Jungkook pondered, uncertainty clouding his features.

After a moment of contemplation, he made a decision. "I think I should," Jungkook affirmed quietly, determination flickering in his eyes.

With a resigned sigh, Jungkook reached for his phone and opened Instagram, his heart heavy with apprehension as he scrolled through his messages.

His breath caught in his throat when he stumbled upon Van's message, a silent reminder of the tangled web of secrets and suspicions that bound them all together.









He began to speak, uncertain of where his words might lead....

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