14 | 'Not that romantic?' bouquet of Tiger Lily

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As the sun came up and shone through the curtains in Jimin's cozy apartment, Jungkook, Jin, and Jimin woke up. They were still sleepy but greeted each other. They remembered the fun they had last night.

They knew what to do next. Jin went to the kitchen to make coffee. He liked making it strong because they needed it to wake up.

Jimin went to his closet to pick out his clothes. He wanted to look good for the day.

Jungkook got their bags ready for the day. He made sure they had everything they needed for classes.

After finishing their tasks, they met in the living room. They drank coffee and talked about their plans for the day.

Even though they had cars, they decided to take the bus to the university. They liked being with other students on the bus.

When they got outside, the morning air felt fresh. They felt excited for the day.

At the bus stop, they talked about their classes and weekend plans.

Jungkook, Jin, and Jimin walked onto the university campus, their laughter echoing through the crisp morning air. As they made their way to their classes, they enjoyed each other's company, sharing stories from their weekends and teasing each other with friendly jokes.

As they reached the lecture halls, they said goodbye, promising to catch up after classes. With a wave and a smile, they parted ways.


In the middle of the class, Jungkook's mind started to wander. He kept thinking about someone he blocked on Instagram. Jimin had told him to think about unblocking Kim Van.

Jungkook wasn't sure about it at first, but he couldn't stop thinking that Kim Van might not be bad. Maybe he just really liked Jungkook.

As Jungkook thought about Jimin's advice, he felt curious about why Kim Van messaged him. He wondered if unblocking him could help clear up any misunderstandings.

Even though Jungkook wasn't sure, he knew trust and being open are important in any relationship, even online ones. So, he thought about reaching out to Kim Van to try to understand each other better.

Everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves, even if they start as strangers online.

Jungkook sat at his computer, feeling restless. He had blocked his old ID, but he couldn't stop thinking about Kim Van, the mysterious person from Instagram who used to message him.

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