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After the red team's punishment...

The members of the red team left the blue kitchen but Antonia. Antonia heard a knife sharpening sound from the other kitchen, so she investigated by going to the other kitchen, which was the red kitchen. To her surprise, she saw Ramsay sharpening his knife.

As Ramsay kept sharpening his knife, Antonia snuck up behind him by touching his shoulders to scare him which made him startled, and dropped his knife and steel altogether.

"Bloody Hell! Antonia, don't scare me like that!" said Ramsay startled.

"I'm sorry that I scared you, Chef." said Antonia.

"I just wanted to know where that sound come from, that's all." Antonia continued.

"Oh, I see. Also, aren't you supposed to go upstairs and study the menu with your teammates?" Ramsay asked.

"Oh well, I decided to see what's going on in this kitchen instead." Antonia answered.

"Hmm, fair enough." Chef Ramsay replied.

"Also, I wanted to apologize." said Antonia remorsefully.

"For what?" Ramsay asked seriously.

"For making you throw up because of my food." Antonia explained remorsefully.

"Oh, it's alright, at least I'm okay." Ramsay replied.

"Is that all?" Ramsay asked.

Antonia thought about leaving the area and studying the menu for tonight's service with her teammates but she had other things in mind, so she stayed with Ramsay.

"Hey Chef, can you teach me any cooking tips for me to learn?" Antonia asked.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Ramsay asked.

Antonia thought about it and then said, "I don't, how to cut an onion without making me cry."

"Ohh, I see, why?" Ramsay replied.

"Because every time I cut an onion, I always cry." Antonia explained.

"Ohh, alright, I see." Chef Ramsay replied.

"So, what do you say?" Antonia asked.

"Sure, I'll teach you how." said Ramsay as he accepted her favor immediately.

"Alright! Thank you, Chef." said Antonia excitedly.

"Alright then, be right back." said Ramsay as he went to the pantry to grab the onion.

Chef Ramsay came back from the pantry, peeled the onion, and placed the whole onion on the cutting board. Ramsay looked at her seriously and asked, "Do you want to observe or to do it along with me?"

"Yeah, I rather observe." Antonia answered.

"Very well," said Ramsay as he looked back at the peeled onion on the cutting board.

Chef Ramsay took a knife and started demonstrating how to cut an onion. "So basically, you have this onion and cut it in half." said Ramsay as he cut the onion in half.

"Then, you cut the onion horizontally and don't cut the root because if you cut the root, you'll start crying and you don't want that to happen, right?" Ramsay explained as he was doing exactly what he had shown her so far.

"Yes, Chef." Antonia replied.


As Ramsay showed her how to cut an onion so far, Antonia pointed out that he hadn't cut the stem off. "Chef,"

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