Concluding matters with Sleekstorm

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He first searched around the manor room by room, space by space till he found his family relaxing in one room. After confirming their safety, he then went back to the chamber he found when he passed by.

Passing through the keyhole, Tang Zhan comes out if the shadow space leg first as his feets caused a 'creek' to ring out silently in the lustful ambience causing a disrupted flow of motion.

The lord immediately jumped up as he pushed the three ladies aside, as he quickly grabs a robe and puts it on. The three ladies on the bed are cleaning some sort of substance from their mouths as they all lie back down on the queen sized bed without bothering to cover up their mountains of flesh and caves of pleasure.

"You? You are done already?" The man asked as he finished tying his robe around his waist.

"Lord Beavis, that was just done now, but you never told me there was a Honip in there as well." Tang Zhan said with clear anger on his face as a crease was evident between his closed eyes.

"Honip? I never knew anything about a Honip, no one told me anything about that. Anytime I sent them to get me my materials they only came back saying the rest are dead or they couldn't proceed further because of the leaf-tailed Kinkajou, no one told me about a Honip also being on the path." Lord Beavis argued back claiming his innocence before he could even be blamed.

"Well I met the Honip first and thought it was the Kinkajou, fought it and came back only to hear the villages saying I helped them defeat the Honip then I went back to get the Kinkajou."

"I'm sorry about that... You know what, I'll double your pay, okay. For the double stress I put you through. is that good enough?"

Tang Zhan was about to reply until he saw the ladies still having massive dose of estrogen, start using their hands and tongues to explore untold lands.

'~Look over here handsome~, ~come have a taste of this~'

'~come-on~, ~come use those strong arms to ravage me~, ~boy~'

'~come over here the both of you~, let's have some nice fun~'

As if he could hear the wild thoughts of the stark naked females on the bed, a dangerous shiver ran down his spine, forcing him to make a smart move as he purposely opened his eyes.

"It's okay lord Beavis, I'll make do with double the pay and we'll get moving since the path is free we can continue to the sky island right?"

Lord Beavis unaware to Tang Zhan's plot just heartily nodded his head, whereas the three ladies all froze up in shock, different through their minds, two of them stood up holding clothes to cover themselves as they ran to the master bathroom, and soon enough the splashing if water could be heard, but the third person still stayed put on the bed albeit she just pulled up the bed cover to her neck.

Lord Beavis walked over to a drawer beside the bed as he pulled out a prepared pouch and then he poured another set of coins into it. Walking back to Tang Zhan, he handed it over.

"Here it is, double the pay. Exactly a hundred gold in there that's the best I can afford." Tang Zhan holds the pouch in his left hand as he weighs it a bit before keeping it in his inventory.

Seeing the pouch just disappear into thin air without any spatial rings on Tang Zhan's finger, Beavis only got more wary of him as he sets a reminder in his mind never to cross his paths again or do something to go against Tang Zhan.

"Then we'll be taking our leave, thanks for the gold coins anyway. Oh and I never introduced myself, but you can call me Tang Zhan." Retreating into his shadow space Tang Zhan leaves through the keyhole, as he cleans the cold sweat on his forehead after escaping that endangering situation just now.

'A hundred gold, how poor are these people or is it how rich am i.'

Tang Zhan occupies himself with the history he learnt from the dragon, as he reaches the door only to find a sober Banjo along with his father standing outside like bodyguards.

"What's wrong, what are you both doing standing outside the door?" He asks as he pops out of his shadow space, scaring his father and Banjo but Banjo was more alert as his instincts were sharper as he brings out a gun to shoot only to stop immediately he sees it is Tang Zhan.

"Well... Your soulmate suddenly said we should get ready and dress up as it was time for us to leave since you have arrived." His father explained as he pointed his thumb at the door.

"Yeah they had washed their clothes, and dried them on the beds, we were chased out even before they began washing their clothes. Until suddenly, X beamed out saying let's get dressed, and with that they are still getting dressed and we are still here, standing." Banjo concluded the missing parts of the event as a smile broke out on his lips.

"Well that's true. We're leaving for Spheros city immediately, so pack up all our non-existent luggages and let's get going".

Immediately he finishes his speech the door burst open as the three ladies all came out in their same previous dresses albeit just cleaner since it's washed.

"We're ready to go!"

"We're ready to go!"

"We're ready to go!"

They all yelled out as they stood in breathtaking poses. Tang Zhan, Banjo and Mr Tang just shook their heads.




Tang Zhan then pulls everyone into a huge hugs he makes sure to wrap everyone in the hug.

"I promise you all I'll never leave you to chase after something else less important than you, I'll forever be with you... But if there ever happens to be a time where I'll be walking astray, give me a nice big slap and pull me back on the right path... Okay!"

Everyone confusedly looks at Tang Zhan but he pulls them back into the hug as they all nod in agreement. Mrs Tang couldn't help but shed a tear at the emotional moment, "nothing will ever make you lead astray, my kind and gentle son... nothing!"


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