08| keefe

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"NO!" Keefe screamed. He ran to Sophie's side, kneeling down. "What did you do?"

He quickly scanned Sophie's limp figure, searching for the source of the pool of blood that was only growing larger. He froze when he saw the goblin throwing star embedded deep in her chest.

Right by her heart.

Biana, Dex, Tam and Ro ran over.

Gisela laughed. A cruel, ugly laugh. "Now you know what happens when you don't cooperate."

Keefe fought back a sob that had somehow crept up his throat, and pried the star from Sophie's chest. Blood gushed, warm and thick, over his hands. His willpower vanished, and tears streamed down his face as he put pressure on the wound.

"Why?" he shouted. "Someone hail Elwin!"

He didn't care that his enemies were right in front of him. His favorite person in the whole world was stabbed, and there wasn't even a physician nearby. He quickly removed his jerkin and tied it around Sophie's chest, creating a makeshift bandage.

He looked up at his mom's smug grin. "WHY?" he yelled again.

"You seem to be prematurely presuming her dead," Gisela said slyly. "I'm aware that I hit her in a critical spot, but she can still have time left if you choose your next steps wisely."

Keefe glanced at Sophie again. He grabbed her wrist and felt a shaky pulse thrumming. But it was still a pulse. Relief washed over him.

"Choose what?" he spat. "You already tortured your own son—which, by the way, isn't working like you want it to. What else do you want?"

"I want you. I want you in my control. Truly, this time. No games. And I'm sure you've realized that if you don't, I can easily finish you—and your friends—and find a replacement."

"Why? You really think I'm going to join you in killing people?"

"You really want to argue with me?" his mom countered. "Take a look at the moonlark as an example."

Keefe swallowed hard. The Neverseen were... murderers. There was no way he could ever be one of them. But... he looked again at Sophie, who was still bleeding. He couldn't let it happen again.


A/N- lol i'm really sorry for this guys 😭 we're starting to get as bad as shannon with our cliffhangers, i promise to post the next chapter soon though! also- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 READS! this means so much to us 😊 thank you for all your support!


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