06| keefe

105 4 17

A/N- lol i'm really sorry for that last chapter, it was rlly short. this one is longer, but you might hate me after it :D


As soon as Keefe hit the soft, damp ground of the pastures, he sprung up and drew a throwing star from a pocket on his ankle.

"DUCK!" he heard someone shout.

He immediately dropped back on his stomach, feeling the sharp swish of a melder blast whizz past him.

Keefe pushed himself back up and lined up his aim, flinging the throwing star towards his attacker, but the dwarf must've already burrowed back into the ground. He spun around to find Dex, Tam, Biana, and Ro running towards him.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice cracking.

What if she—

"The Neverseen," Dex said, gasping for air, "they came. They all came, Keefe. They have a crystal planted here. Sophie ran off, she said she saw your mom—"

"SOPHIE WENT AFTER MY MOM?" Keefe shouted.

"Fitz and Sandor ran after her," Tam added. "And it looked like they all had weapons."

Keefe dug a hand through his hair.

If Sophie threw a weapon, his mom would fight back.

He cursed under his breath. "Where are they?"

"They went this way," Biana said, motioning for them to follow her as she ran through the pastures.

Their group bounded through the trees, passing gnomes rallying supplies, and animals roaring, and bodyguards hunting, to finally end up in a wide clearing.

And in that clearing was a scene straight out of Keefe's nightmares:

His mom and Gethen on one side, looking much too pleased with themselves.

And Sophie on the other side, on her knees.

Her jaw stiffened.

Her cheeks pale.

Her eyes glazed.

Blood dripping onto the ground.

A/N- i did warn u lol

also- tysmmmmm for almost 140 reads! that means so much to us 😊


the gorgeous beautiful amazing inspiring novel of keefe-oh and sophieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن