Chapter Nine- Sophie

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Sophie floated in the darkness, waiting, waiting, waiting for the opportunity to think and see and hear and be again.

Even though she knew there was so much pain in reality.

So much hurt.

So much grief.

But she forced her eyes open anyway, feeling a horrible, sharp, stabbing sensation in her chest. She groaned.

"Hey," Keefe said next to her.

There was so much twisted pain in his expression that she had to ask, "What's going on?"

"My son just surrendered himself, so my business is done here," said a voice that made Sophie's stomach lurch.

She gasped. No. He promised he wouldn't do this anymore. He promised. Her heart throbbed with a pain that had nothing to do with a stab wound. Keefe couldn't be leaving her. He couldn't be.

A tear slipped down her cheek, and Keefe brushed it away softly. He shifted her head so she could see him clearly, and she looked straight into his ice blue eyes.

"Don't do this," Sophie whispered.

"If you'd rather be stabbed yourself, Keefe, I recommend you don't try my patience! I can easily find your replacements!" Lady Gisela called.

Keefe smiled sadly, ignoring his mom. "I have to, Sophie."

Why was he so bent on keeping her safe? Didn't he know there was no point if he wasn't there with her?

"Why?" she asked.

"It's the only way to protect you," he said.

"No it's not!" another voice yelled, and Sophie strained her neck to see Biana jump onto Lady Gisela.

A/N- hey everyone! thanks for reading as always eheh- sorry for that cliffhanger lol

the gorgeous beautiful amazing inspiring novel of keefe-oh and sophieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ