Episode 5: E is For Example

Start from the beginning

"I can handle a real one."

Eddy hoped that his friend had said that. "Good cause I still owe you for breaking my stateboard last week!" Manny gave his friend a nervous look at that. He had "Borrowed" Eddy;s new stateboard last week and one thing lead to another as he brought it back broken in half. However to be fair, he could not expect it to go rolling into the street and getting run over by a car.

"Okay to be fair..." Manny began, a bit nervous with the look appearing in his friend's eye. "I am still losing half my allowance a week to pay it back."

"Yeah so for example," Eddy began summoning as much of his father's bass like voice as he could. "I am very disappointed with you for not only taking my stateboard but also breaking it and hiding it for two days until you finally confess to it."

"I was trying to fix it."

"That is still lying young man."

Manny huffed slightly at that. "You are barely a year and a half older than me!"

"Are you gonna let me keep going with this example or not?" Manny slowly nodded his head. "Good, and because of your actions you have earned a nice and long bare bottom spanking." Eddy pulled his friend a bit closer and hooked his fingers into the boy's pajama pants sliding them down to expose his spider man underwear. "Now this is when my dad or mom take me across their lap kinda like this."

Manny felt a bit of heat starting to build on his cheeks, not from having his underwear exposed he was used to that with his friend. But more from being lay over his friend's lap, he tried his hardest to find the most comfy spot to lay his head. Eventually settling to just rest his chin on his folded arms. "What are you doing?!" Manny asked as he felt his underwear being lower down just below rather round and chubby backside.

"This is the part where they actually bare my backside." Eddy explained as his friend's rear end came into few, his friends were very much round and still had a bit of baby fat on it. "Now usually my dad give me a few small pats on my butt as a way to show me that he is about to begin and he asks me if I am ready to get my spanking."

"How can you possibly be ready for that?" Manny questioned as he felt his backside patted a few times just as his friend said. It felt a bit weird and he could feel his cheeks wobbling around slightly. "W-What makes this a punishment beside feeling so embarrassed."

"This does," Eddy replied as he started to bring his hand down upon his friend's bare bottom landing the first actually hard spank he had ever given in his 13 years of life. "My mom and or my dad starts to bring their hands down across my backside." Eddy explained as he mostly targeted his swats to the center of his friend's backside.

Manny let out a yelp more of surprise than actual pain as his friend began to firmly punish his never spanked bottom. Each one leaving an odd warmth spread through both cheeks, that only grew a bit worse with each swat that was landed. "Ow, ow, ouch!" Manny cried out as he found his rump on the receiving end of this spanking. "You mean to tell me they just hit the center of your bottom over and over!" Manny cried out.

"Nope," Eddy replied as he began to spank one cheek at a time nowhere near as hard as his dad or even his mom could, however he left just enough of a punch to start to show some pinkness on his friend's bottom. "They usually alternate cheeks well my mom does, my dad's hand is big enough to cover the entirety of my bottom." Eddy explained.

Manny started to squirm a bit trying to get his rump out of spanking range, each new spank seemed to sting more and more as it was starting to build up. He was suddenly very glad that he had never been spanked before in his life... until now. "O-Okay!" Manny cried out as he put a hand back to try and block. "What happens next?" He asked hoping to maybe speed this example up next.

"Well right now if I did this my parents would grab my hand." Eddy explained as he reached back, took his friend's smaller hand, and pinned it to his friend's back. "And pin it right there as well as give me a few swats right here." Manny yelped a bit louder as Eddy gave him a few swats on the spot where his bottom and thighs meet. "On my sit spots for trying to block." Eddy also put a leg back to keep his friend from doing too much kicking, leaving firmly and fully locked in place for a much needed spanking.

Manny felt his bottom growing warmer and warmer, the sting lasting longer and longer until it just stayed right on his bottom. He felt helpless as all he could was lay across his friends lap as this more hands on example of spanking kept going and going. He could barely kick his legs back and forth, his bottom left in a perfect place to get spanked. His cries of pain moving from ow and ouch, to more soft sniffles as he felt tears starting to fill his blue eyes. "How do you get them to stop?" Manny wailed sadly.

"I don't decide when a spanking ends." Eddy replied as he kept going, moving from across his friends bottom trying to mimic his mom's rhythm. Back and forth, a few to the center, his smaller hand could only cover so much ground so he had to make up for it by swatting different parts of the bottom in front of his. Honestly finding it a bit adorable how his friend's backside would wiggle and jiggle around with each spank. Suddenly understand of what his aunt's statement of a few of his cousins having a spankable bottom meant. After maybe 15 more spanks, Eddy finally brought this spanking to end, unpinning his friend's arms and legs. "And afterwards." Eddy began as he lifted Manny up to his knees and gave him a long hug. "My parents give me a long hug and remind me that even if they have to spank me, they still love and care about me."

Manny sniffled lightly as he returned his friend's hug. Very glad that this spanking had come to an end, and learned a very important thing from this example. Spanking are not that much fun, and how he understood why his friend's backside had been the color it was. Sometimes he really hated that he learned more from hands-on examples than anything. But again this would not have happened if his friend was better at explaining things.

A/N: As always thank you all for reading, a bit of a shorter chapter but I felt it got the point of this chapter off a bit better if it was shorter. I hope you all enjoyed this one, and most likely there will not be one more chapter that is gonna come out. Mostly cause I am struggling to find a word for a word or phrase for the letter F, but I will think of something. Thank you all again and the next posts are listed in the previous chapter, so until next time.

Stay Safe,

Stay behaved,

Or you might get spanked.

Bye Bye. 

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