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It's a Sunday, which means it's my day to get the groceries for the rest of the week. I have my list that I wrote throughout the week and run through a final check of the kitchen to mark down anything I might've forgotten. I live alone, except for my cat, so fortunately the groceries are not that big of an expense to have to go weekly.

Exiting my apartment and locking the door, I walk to my car that looks like it is very clearly driven by a woman, and make the 10 minute drive to the store.

Once I finally arrive to the store, I quickly purchase everything I need and get back into my car. I am not in the mood to run any more errands, as this past week was already hectic as is.

I'm in the middle lane, listening and jamming out to my music, when suddenly, a black sports car with an obnoxiously loud engine sporadically merges into my lane, cutting me off. I hold my horn, and the car honks back. Irritated from the past week, I honk once more, causing more of a loud commotion. In front of me, the car speeds up and slams on the breaks, break checking me!

Why do they let people like this drive? I honk again, and the car goes back into the right lane, slowing down, trying to see who is driving the car. Instantaneously, the car has a final attempt to merge back into my lane, at a concerning speed, and collides into mine! A loud CRASH is heard. Anger surges through my body, everything is going wrong! What a great start to this week..

The black sports car rolls down his window slightly, signaling with his hand to pull over. I follow his car as we both safely pull over to the side.

A tall, seemingly handsome young man steps out of the car. He's wearing a grey hoodie and some baggy black cargos. He looks about maybe early 20's.

I step out of my car, frustrated, I begin to shout, "What is wrong with you?! You could've seriously injured me!" I turn around to look at the damages of my car, and he doesn't take his eyes off of me. I quietly groan at the damages, a scratched up, dented car and a smashed headlight.

He strongly says, "maybe if you weren't driving so fucking slow I wouldn't have to go in front of you," he argued, mumbling to himself how stupid I am. He hasn't even looked at his own car, which has even worse scratches than mine and some paint missing in some patches.

I threw my hands into my face, stressing out, "my carrr... I can't afford to fix this," my voice cracking. I blinked rapidly in an attempt to resist tears. It's already enough that I'm moving apartments, and transferring to a different university, it's just too much.

He inhales loudly, running his fingers through his hair, I can't help but look while he does. Then he says, "Here, let's just exchange info and get out of the road alright?"

I look at him, mascara just a little smudged, my nose slightly red, "alright..." I sniffle.

He hands me his phone with the blank contacts open, and I type in my phone number. And put my name. He takes the phone back, reading my name. "(Y/N)?"


He holds his hand out. "(C/N)." He says, taking and squeezing my hand, locking eyes with me. I can't tell what his expression is, it's a mix of intimidation and sympathy. He releases his grip, shoving his hands in his pockets, standing straight. "I'll keep in touch."

He turns around swiftly before getting back into his car, speeding off with the roar of his engine. I quickly get back into my car, driving back to my apartment with tears in my eyes.

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