Ex meetups (G) pt 1

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Not inspired by a song.
2nd person POV

You and (C/N), your ex, have been texting for a prolonged amount of time. On and off.

Your relationship with (C/N) lasted only about 8 months. You guys knew each other prior to the relationship. It was mostly you obsessing over him, telling him you feel ignored, and when he finally couldn't take it— he left.

Your world had crashed down on you, everything spiraled. You realize that it had been love, and had been attachment.

After the breakup, you continue to try to reach out to him, only after every time, he blocks you.

After secretly checking his Instagram account via alternative account, you see that he has a heart in his bio along with an initial.

You didn't know how to react. It had been 4 months shy that passed after the breakup and he has entered a new relationship.

Melancholy filled your heart, and you carried that feeling for a while.

Once you finally accepted the breakup, and spent time alone with yourself, you realize it's best to be single for now.

Fast forward to the next year, it's near Valentine's Day, and you're having a girls night out with your friends. You guys decided to have a sleepover!

The lights in your room shined pink as you and your friend (best friend's name) danced and sang along to your favorite songs. Once all the energy toned down, you decided to check your social media and post a cute photo of both of you.

A small, red dot catches in the upper right corner of your screen catches your attention, signaling that you have a message.

"Who could've texted me?" You thought to yourself.

As you click the message icon, your heart sinks to your stomach. Your eyes widen upon looking at (C/N)'s name on your screen.

"But he has a girlfriend? Why would he be messaging me?"

(C/N) had a picture of him and his girlfriend as his profile picture. You stared at the picture, after not seeing it for months.

You don't open his message. After all, he only sent it 15 minutes ago.

"I don't wanna seem desperate.."

You turn off your phone and place it down, and continue to have a good time with your friends.

• 10:53 pm •

After the music settled down, you opened your phone back up and decided it was time to respond to him.

You typed out responses and deleted them over and over and you decided what you were going to reply. Finally you swallowed your pride and responded "Hey."

It didn't take him long to respond asking how your day went. You hesitated before answering, thinking of the many possibilities of what could go wrong. His girlfriend could see your notification and she could get upset, or it could just be a prank!

You replied with: "I'm good, what about you?"

(C/N): I've been good, tired.

You left him on read for that night.

As you tried to fall asleep, you couldn't stop thinking about all the good memories from the relationship. Reflecting on these moments, thinking about what you could've done differently, you finally fell asleep.

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