Classroom (G)

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(C/N)'s POV

I finally arrived to my next class. 5 minutes before the bell. I had my earbuds in, walking into the class with my hands in my pockets.

It was the first day of the school year, which means new classes and new people. Walking in the door, I notice 2 of my friends already grouped around a table, talking. I walk up to them, taking one of my earbuds out.

"Oh shit (C/N) you're in this class too!" my friend, Daniel exclaimed.

"Right, it won't be so boring now," my other friend, Isaiah, agreed.

We were all talking around one desk when suddenly Daniel turned his head in the direction of the door.

In walked in a girl with her headphones on, books clutched in her arms and a content smile on her face walks in.

My eyes do a double take as she walks to her desk. My heart drops to my ass.

Daniel leans in to my ear, and quietly says "dude she's kinda cute.."

"Daniel. That's my ex."

Isaiah begins to roar in laughter. Daniel's face goes red from embarrassment. "I'm so sorry I take that back."

I look down and nod my head.

(Y/N) sits at a desk near a window towards the back of the room. Once the bell rings, everyone quickly sits somewhere. I was the only one not sitting down, so I quickly scan the room to try to find an available seat. The only seat that was open just so happened to be the one behind (Y/N).

Mentally, I roll my eyes and plop myself into the seat behind her, before the teacher begins to take attendance.

The teacher goes down the list. It sucks having to look at the back of her head.

The breakup wasn't a bad breakup. It was a mutual departure. We both decided it wasn't our time. But that was almost two years ago, our sophomore year but now we're Seniors in high school.

"(C/N) (C/L/N)?" The teacher called out.

"Here." I raised my hand slightly.

The teacher continued down the list.

I haven't talked to (Y/N) since sophomore year. After the breakup, we kept our distance. I tried to talk to other girls afterwards, but, I couldn't show the same affection towards them the way I did (Y/N). For that, I gave up on relationships all together.

(Y/N) is a quiet and timid girl. She doesn't talk much, and has little friends. She's so short her legs can swing under the table comfortably. She's the type to always have her headphones on or her nose buried in a book.

"(Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Here," I heard her voice chirp.

I hadn't heard her voice is so long. Even if it was just one word.

Her and I are polar opposites. I'm pretty outgoing, I like to have many friends and go out at night. The only time she likes to go out is to walk to the library. I don't even know how we made it work for an entire 2 years. We feel like strangers now. She changed so much since the last time I saw her- when we were dating.

The teacher began to introduce himself. I spaced out.

"Today we'll be doing some ice breakers. You're gonna turn to the person behind you. Start off with your name, favorite color, hobby or sport, and finish off by giving each other a kind high five. Row 1 turns around to face row 2, and row 3 turns to face row 4. Get started!"

I look behind me to see nobody. There is an empty desk behind me. I turn back around and see (Y/N) already facing in my direction, waiting for me.

"Hi, my name is (Y/N)." Her lips curl into a smile as she speaks.

Crush x Reader Oneshots! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora