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In the dimly lit corners of Shibuya's bustling streets, amidst the haze of smoke and the pulsing rhythm of the night, Hanma Shuji found himself entangled in an unexpected allure—one that ignited within him a tumultuous storm of emotions

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In the dimly lit corners of Shibuya's bustling streets, amidst the haze of smoke and the pulsing rhythm of the night, Hanma Shuji found himself entangled in an unexpected allure—one that ignited within him a tumultuous storm of emotions. It wasn't the neon glow or the chaotic energy that captivated him, but rather the enigmatic presence of someone he had known for years, yet only now truly saw.

His best friend's older sister, Kisaki [Y/N], possessed an intoxicating blend of sass and serenity that drew him in like a moth to a flame. Yet, he found himself unable to articulate his feelings in the sober light of day, retreating instead to the comforting embrace of substances that dulled his inhibitions and emboldened his desires.

Their interactions took on a surreal quality, a dance between teasing banter and genuine affection, punctuated by laughter and fleeting moments of vulnerability. Hanma reveled in the playful exchanges, relishing the way Kisaki's demeanor shifted when faced with his brazen advances.

But beneath her composed facade lay a history veiled in shadows—a past intertwined with the clandestine world of the Midnight gang, where Kisaki once reigned as the formidable 1st division captain. As she navigated the complexities of her past, Hanma found himself ensnared in a web of uncertainty, grappling with his own fears of rejection and longing for a connection he dared not voice.

Amidst the chaos of their tangled emotions, a question lingered in the air—would Kisaki [Y/N] dare to defy fate and explore the depths of her feelings for Hanma, or would she succumb to the echoes of her past, forever altering the course of their intertwined destinies?

Amidst the chaos of their tangled emotions, a question lingered in the air—would Kisaki [Y/N] dare to defy fate and explore the depths of her feelings for Hanma, or would she succumb to the echoes of her past, forever altering the course of their ...

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Thank our amazing kxromixxy for the prologue again! I'll give the playlist later or check my wall! Love you all and yes she's Kisaki sister . Kisaki wont be a bitch here annoying yes but he isn't gonna be a killer

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