Song-kyung headed to her room, and Jungkook sat down in the living room where two women were seated with some designs in their hands. A servant brought a glass of water for him, which he drank in one gulp. Jungkook was fuming with rage because he came to decline the marriage, but he ended up being rejected himself. "God knows what is this woman's problem. How can she speak to me like that?"

"Sir, just tell me your preferences and leave it to me, I-" Jennie was saying, but she was interrupted by Dong-wook. "Oh, Jungkook-ah, why are you sitting here? How was the date?" Jungkook's heart started pounding loudly when he saw Jennie in front of him. "Wow, she's so stunning and smart," he thought. But Dong-wook brought him back to reality. "Jungkook-ah, I asked you something." Jungkook looked at him and replied, "Sir, actually, Song-kyung and I talked, and we don't want to get married." Dong-wook gasped. "But why, Jungkook?" "Because he doesn't know how to respect women," Song-kyung said, standing on the stairs. Jungkook stood up, outraged. "How dare you talk about me like that?" He looked at Dong-wook again and continued, "Sir, I didn't even say anything. I just asked her if she believes in arranged marriage, and she accused me of indirectly hinting at sleeping with her, which I had no intentions of doing." Dong-wook nodded several times. "Alright, how about we all sit down and talk calmly?" "No, Appa, I won't marry him," Song-kyung shouted, heading upstairs.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat down again. "Sir, please have a seat," he told Dong-wook, who nodded and sat down. "Alright. Oh, Jennie-ssi, please, you too have a seat. Now, Jungkook-ah, is my daughter's behavior the only reason why you don't want to marry her?" Jungkook looked at Jennie, who was sitting on the center sofa with Joy and Jihyo. "Sir, my father suddenly told me that I have to get married to your daughter. I didn't even know her name was Song-kyung, and I was very disturbed at first because it was forced. But I decided that at least I would meet her. The way she judged me so suddenly, I can't tolerate it, and hence, I don't want to marry her." Dong-wook nodded slowly. "I understand, Jungkook-ssi. I know Song-kyung's nature, but trust me, she isn't like this once she gets to know you." Jungkook took a deep breath. "I tried, sir. I tried to get to know her and gave her a chance to get to know me. But she judged me. She didn't even let me finish and doubted me. I can't marry her, sir. I am sorry." Dong-wook nodded and looked down. "I am sorry, Jungkook-ah. My daughter shouldn't have behaved like this with you. It's okay if you don't want to get married to her. Anyone who would've been in your place would have done the same thing." "Sir, you're like my father, and I don't want you to say sorry. Anyways, it wasn't your fault, so you don't have to apologize," Jungkook said, smiling. He got up. "I will leave now, sir. It was very nice to meet you. I must say one thing, if it is possible, I will definitely become Song-kyung's friend one day." Dong-wook laughed and patted his back. "Alright, Jungkook-ah. I hope so too. Goodbye." Jungkook smiled and bid goodbye to Dong-wook before going outside. He glanced back at Jennie once again. "If only I could tell Mr. Lee that you're the reason why I don't want to marry Song-kyung. Anyway, I am sure he would have understood why I chose you and not his daughter."

In Hybe Entertainment:-

Taehyung sat in Yoongi's studio, the day's work completed. He dialed Jimin's number, and after a few rings, Jimin answered.

Tae:- Hey Jimin-ah.
Jimin:- Yes Tae, what's up?
Tae:- Where are you right now?
Jimin:- In Seoul Hospital.
Tae:- What? Why? Is everything okay?
Jimin:- Bro, I am here to see someone important.
Tae:- Oh, a client of yours?
Jimin:- Uh, yeah yeah.
Tae:- Okay, great. I am also coming there.
Jimin:- W-what? Why do you have to come here?
Tae:- I just..... miss you and want to meet you.
Jimin:- You have never ever missed me like this before. What do you want?
Tae:- Oh come on Jimin-ah. Shut up. I will be there in half an hour. Okay? Bye.
Jimin:- Okay but-

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