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- When She Worked Through The First Three Days -


Day 1:

Placing the cup on his desk as I wait for him to arrive, I check the time on my wrist watch which blinks 7:58.

Hmm... two minutes left.

As the clock ticks to twelve, the door slams open and Lucien walks in with his cell connected to his ear in his well tailored suit that fits his body to a T.

He barely glances at me as he quickly discards his suit jacket and places his large body over the chair behind the desk.

Giving me a curt nod, he picks up the cup and sips the coffee; only to make a sour face and glare at me while murmuring, "Too much sugar. Bring me another one."


"Another one, Miss Stark." He rasps out.

I sigh and oblige.

I turn around and quickly walk in to the employees lounge, only to find the coffee maker broken.

Perfect... just perfect!


Twenty two and a half minute later with one cup of hot coffee in my hand, I knock on Lucien's door and enter.

"Twenty three minutes for a coffee, Miss Stark. I must say I'm impressed!" Lucien murmurs sarcastically as I walk towards his desk and hand him the coffee.

I glare at him, "The coffee maker in the office was broken. I had to run to the café, a block away and stand in that long arse queue for fifteen minutes and run back here!"

He smirks and raises his eyebrow, "Not my problem."

I huff and clench my fist, trying to control my anger.

Exhaling slowly, I look at him and ask, "What do you want me to do next?"

He looks at my face and grins.

Pushing his credit card forward, he says, "My brother's fiancée Elena's baby shower is next week. Take this credit card and buy me a present for her. Something good."

I pick up the credit card, hesitantly, and look at him, "But I'm your executive assistant."

"Your point?" He asks, curtly.

"You have a personal assistant to do such things. This is not my job." I grit my teeth.

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