𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑋𝑋𝑋

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes and turned to the two people.

"I'm up!! What the fuck do you guys want??" I groaned.

"We're filming the irl podcast today, remember?" Nick said.

"Right now?" I sat up.

"Well, not right now, but we're gonna set up."

"And I'm needed for..?"

Nick stared at me.

"So you can help set up too. We're not maids." Larry, who had promise to 'spit on me', joked.

"Okay, fine. Get out." I shooed them away. Once they left, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes.

I left and joined the guys in the room we decided to film it in. I called dibs on the bean bag in the corner. Larry groaned and flipped me off, but we continued to set up.


Valentine's POV:

Few hours later, my shift finally ended and I got to leave. For some reason, the whole day was just overly exhausting. I needed a drink and a good YouTube video to binge at home.

I brushed off my apron and hung it up on a hanger with my name on it. I already told Raquelle goodbye so I left.

I checked the time once I closed the door behind me and walked to my car. Suddenly, I heard a cat purr near me.

I looked away from my phone and at my feet. There was this orange and white fluffy kitten pawing at my feet.

I almost dropped my phone. I quietly squealed and squatted down to pet the kitty.

"Kitty!!!!!!" I quietly exclaimed in a really high pitch. In response, it meowed back at me. I felt as if I was going to cry.

I put my phone away and picked the kitten up with my right hand. It was so tiny that it felt as if I was grabbing a fluffy paper ball.

"Hey there, little!!" I smiled, holding it like a little baby and lightly petting it's back. The kitten tried crawling up my sleeve but it failed. It resorted to meowing at me and almost killing me with a cuteness overload.

"Where did you come from, baby?" I picked it up again and held it close to my face.

It meowed in response and pawed my face. I put the cat on my chest and hugged it. It was so precious, I would kill myself for it.

"What's your name, little?" I asked again, as if expecting a response.

I felt it purr on my chest. I felt my heart get warmer by the second.

I gently examined the kitten, either looking for a collar or just at what state the cat was in. I would say not in a very good one as the cat was pretty dirty and had some spots on its fur that stuck together.

"Oh you poor thing.." I frowned. I set it down before I threw up because of its cuteness.

I waved bye to it and started to walk away, but it began following me.

I heard it's sad meows behind me. When I turned around, I saw the cat wobbling around trying to get to me.

"Don't you have a home, little?" I sighed, standing still.

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