Chapter 10

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You didn't complete the target and I am still updating new chapter.
I am going to post according to my comfort from now because no matter how much time I spend on writing, if this is the response I am going to get then I better look after myself too.


Leo was in his car waiting for Vivaan to come, when the back side door opened and he saw Vivaan entering. He looked in front and saw his sister going back inside with his brothers.

"Last time I checked I was not a driver," Leo said looking at Vivaan directly through the mirror.

Vivaan understood his blunder and quickly came out of the car and sat on the passenger seat. No words were exchanged between those two and a silence engulfed the car.

Leo looked at Vivaan from time to time uncomfortable with the silence around them. He put a song on in the hope of removing the awkwardness from the air.

But as if the whole universe is not in his support and the lyrics blazed

Mummy doesn't know Daddy's getting hot

At the body shop, doing something unholy

He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it

Yeah, she put it down slowly

Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at

Vivaan's eyes widened hearing the lyrics playing while Leo's hand quickly reached to the player and shit it off.

A red hue spread along the cheeks of Vivaan and a frustrated expression on Leo's face.

And to break the awkwardness Leo spoke "You didn't tell me about that person yet."

The red hue from Vivaan's face was replaced with sudden fear and judgment, and, he looked outside of the window to avoid this conversation.

Leo looked at him " Avoiding isn't gonna help you." He said making Vivaan look at him while he continued "We are in this car for at least 30 more minutes which I can drag up to an hour or even two, if you keep mum." Leo said in a monotone voice not giving a hint of his emotions.

"Why don't you leave this matter?" Vivaan said frustrated because it was the first time someone was adamant to ask his problems.

Leo looked at him dead in the eye and took a left turn making Vivaan almost fall over him.

Vivaan looked at the road and then at Leo "This is not the way to my home." He said immediately.

Leo didn't reply and instead put the car in 5th gear making the car roar with speed. Vivaan's heartbeat raced at high speed. As the car was cutting air, so was Vivaan's breath.

"Stop it please," Vivaan said in a slow voice seeing the car racing.

Leo was angry with the fact that him hiding such a big thing from him while he was hurting. Leo didn't listen to him instead increased the speed.

Vivaan held the car seat as his eyes fluttered with the anxiety building up in him. Sweat beads formed on his forehead and he opened his mouth to take some air in. Tears flowed from his eyes and soon enough his face was filled with tears and his throat clogged. He tried to hold Leo's hand to stop him but he just couldn't hold his hand up. He tried to voice out for him to stop but it was also in vain. It was a highway and headlights from the coming traffic were building up his anxiety even more. His body shivered with the amount of pressure he was feeling. Some flashbacks were going through his mind which further made his breath shallow.

Vivaan felt as if the seatbelt was even choking him more and he put all the pressure on his hand to unbuckle the seatbelt. He felt lost and his mind hazed with the seatbelt but with a shivering hand and lost mind he finally got rid of the seatbelt and moved forward to take a deep breath.

The sound of the click got Leo's attention and he looked at his side to see Vivaan's face red with tears all over his face and shivering body.

Leo instantly put brakes and put his right hand in front of Vivaan to stop him from getting banged in front mirror.

"Vivaan." He made her look at him with his palms over his cheeks.

Vivaan felt the car stopping and he instantly opened the car door and dragged himself out. He felt bile rising and ran towards the side of the road to empty his guts.

Leo took out the water bottle from his car scared and ran towards Vivaan.

Vivaan felt his guts coming out making his eyes teary, nose runny, and mouth hurt. He held his heart as he emptied his guts while Leo caressed his back.

After emptying the dinner he had, Vivaan fell back on the road and lay down to catch some breath. He felt black dots appearing in front of him but he blinked it away. He looked at his side and saw Leo with worries all over his face.

"Have some water," Leo said with worry.

Vivaan looked at the bottle of water in his hand and took it without any hesitation as he was feeling the bitter taste still in his mouth. He took a ip and gargled to get rid of the bitter taste and after 2-3 rinses he put the bottle back.

Leo sat on his side and rubbed his back. Vivaan looked at him with anger but didn't say a word. Feeling Leo's hand on his back, he instantly stood up from his place and walked towards the car. But before he could open the car door, Leo held his hand and pulled him.

Leo looked at his red eyes and felt a sting in his heart "Take some fresh air, you need it." He said softly but Vivaan ignored him in his anger and tried to free himself from his hold but Leo's hold was stronger.

Vivaan tried to push him but everything was in vain "Leave me." Vivaan said breaking down.

"Don't cry please," Leo said wiping tears from his face.

Vivaan took a deep breath and looked at him with anger "Why would you drive so fast? I was so scared." He said crying.

Leo felt his heart clutching seeing him crying and he instantly hugged him "I am sorry. I didn't realize you were afraid." He said rubbing his back while Vivaan complained in an inaudible voice.

"Shhhh everything is calm now," Leo said trying to coax him but he hugged him tighter.

"I felt like I was going to die," Vivaan said holding him tightly.

Leo took a deep breath " You won't die as long as I am here with you."

Vivaan cried to his heart's content on Leo's chest while Leo rested his back on the car door and caressed his back.

And after some moments of crying, Vivaan pulled himself back from his hold. Leo looked at him trying to avert his gaze but instead, Leo held his chin and made him look at his eyes.

Vivaan breathed deeply and muttered a small sorry.

Leo wiped the tear shining on his cheek "You don't need to be sorry." He said assuring him in a deep comforting voice.

"Drop me home, please," Vivaan said in a broken voice.

Leo didn't want to argue with him anymore and opened the door for him.

As Vivaan settled inside, Leo bent to him and said in a soft voice "There is no need for the seatbelt if you are uncomfortable."

Vivaan nodded silently and rested his back on the seat. Leo settled beside him silently not wanting to start a new argument.

Vivaan was out like a light in some minutes tired of the whole fiasco that occurred some minutes ago. Leo looked to his right to see Vivaan sleeping peacefully and his lips twisted in a smile.

"Pretty." He said unknowingly and drove silently towards his house while still thinking about the problem he was facing in school.

He didn't realize when he reached his house and looked at Vivaan who was still sleeping. His heart didn't want to but still, he woke him up.

"We reached your home," Leo said once Vivaan opened his eyes.

Vivaan looked around to see himself in front of his home and opened the car door quickly. He looked back at Leo and said a small thank you.

And before Leo could reply or say anything Vivaan already ran and rang the doorbell. Leo waited for him until he entered inside and finally left.

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