Episode 2: B Is For Buying Your Own Brush (Irena)

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"Don't start all that mama nonsense with me, this could have been and over with if you didn't throw out that hairbrush, and if you weren't acting up in school. You made these choices so now you are gonna face the consequences. Matter of fact let's add a third option, cause if you don't pick something in the next ten seconds, I am gonna give your daddy a call and see what he has to say about this."

"No!" Helena cried out as she shot up to her feet. If there was one thing she was not gonna risk was her mama telling daddy all about this. Cause he spanked much harder than momma and he would probably use his much thicker belt on her for all of her naughtiness. "I don't have any money."

Her momma gave her a small smirk. "Well go down stairs and go look in mama purse, you will find a nice little five dollar bill, that is gonna be more than enough to buy one of Mama's Row's hairbrushes, and maybe if you have any change you can get something sweet for yourself to have after dinner."

"Really?" Helena asked, hopefully.

"Yes, cause I didn't forget my promise to get you a little something for helping out at church last Sunday. I was gonna do it after school but we didn't have that chance today."

Helena let out a small sigh before starting to go towards the door. "I'll be back," she said sadly.

"I am sure you will."

It was a very long and slow walk to Mama's Row hairshop. It was tucked in between two small shops, one that sold candy and the other was a small clothing store. She had been to the older woman's store a few times, mostly for the stuff her momma used to do her hair with. The woman had a lot of good stuff inside, and had a nice selection of combs, picks, and brushes for the many African American people that called this part of Montgomery Alabama home. As she was walking, she did see her daddy's large brown van at a red light. He was a delivery man, and he gave her a small wave before driving off. Lucky for her he didn't ask what she was doing three blocks away from their house, probably just assuming that she was being sent on a small delivery run.

The bell above Mama Row's shop went off as she pulled open the door and was greeted by the smell of hairspray, and other hair products. As well as the usually soft scent of rose that was a bit stronger than any other smell in the store. Sitting at the register was the owner herself, Mama Row. Helena didn't know the woman's real name but she just knew that the woman was called Mama Row by everyone that came there. She was in her late 50ths but still moved like she was a young woman, her face showed few signs of aging, she was a bit more heavy in size than her momma, and it was not an uncommon thing to see her giving a bad boy or girl in the neighborhood a few swats of her own if she felt they needed them. Everyone in this part of town was like a big family, and Helena both loved and sometimes didn't like that. Cause she knew that depending on who saw her and she was being a bit more naughty, she could get a spanking from them. Heck Mama Row herself had once given her a quick whoopin in the back of their church when she was being disruptive in Sunday school one day.

"It is good to see you again, Little Helena."

"Hi Mama Row," she greeted the woman warmly but also respectfully.

"And what brings you to my shop?" The small glimmer in the woman's eyes told Helena all she needed to know. Her own mama had probably called her and told her why she was being sent here. Both to embarrass her but her mama always called each store she was being sent to, just so they could expect her, and they would always call her momma back to let her know that Helena was on her way home. A safety measure as some called it.

"I-I was told to go and buy a hairbrush for my momma... I threw her's away."

"I see," Mama Row took a lot around her shop for a moment. "Irena, come here for a second."

The Spanking ABC"S Volume 1.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora