Episode 2: B Is For Buying Your Own Brush (Irena)

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"I can't find it!" Helena Jackson cried out with a small smile starting to form across her face as her plan seemed to be working more than she could ever imagined it would. See today at school her efforts at being the class clown had finally caught up to her. It was a boring afternoon of spelling and reading for her class today and she just wanted to make people laugh, and make this stupid substitute that made her stay inside for rescue look silly. So she did what she did best, she made jokes, she made a few rude noises while Mr. Myers was trying to teach, causing the class to laugh very loudly at a few other things she had planned. Everything had been going good until the wooden door of her classroom had practically been kicked open. As her momma stood in the doorway, a tall and lean woman but was stronger than anyone else's momma, and even some daddys. Her voice was as loud as the thunder that had gotten the entire class to stop laughing. "Helena Jackson, get your ass over here!"

What she had not planned for was her substitute giving her momma a call at some point and her mom had come right down to put an end to this nonsense. So after a quick minute of rapid fired swats to the seat of her soft blue pants, she was sent back into her classroom to apologize to her teacher, and even worse. Her momma sat in the room with her for the entirety of the lesson, from 1:30 to 3:00 when they got out. As soon as they got to her momma old car, all Helena could do was sit in the back as she got the scolding of a life time, and when they pulled into the drive way. "Now go inside and get that brush of mine, acting a damn fool for no reason!"

However, Helena had a trick up her sleeve. Her momma's old, large and heavy wool brush might have been accidently thrown away after her last session with it. She had made sure to do it right before her daddy had taken the garbage out to be collected by the trash man. So if she was gonna get a spanking than at least she was gonna get one with her momma's hand instead of her hairbrush.

Helena could hear a few loud footsteps coming from the hallway as her momma poked her head into the bedroom. "Child, what do you mean you can't find it?"

The nine year old shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know where it is, momma." She said opening the dresser drawer that her momma had kept that brush in. "It is not here or anywhere else."

Her momma walked over and took a look inside as well. "What in-" Helena let a small smile appear on her lips, one that her momma did not miss. "Child look at me," Helena wiped that smile off her face as she looked over at her momma, her dark face clouded in a fierce but still gentle look. "I am giving you one chance, Helena Marie Jackson. Do you know where or what happened to my hairbrush."

"Momma I don't-"

"Helena,there was a seriousness in her voice that the young girl had not quite experienced in her young life up to this point. "I am giving you a chance to come clean, but child, I promise you with God as my witness if you lie to me and I find out."

Helena gulped for a moment. "I threw it away," she said in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry."

"And you were about to sit there and lie about it, probably have me look up and down this place like a fool, and I am guessing you thought that if I didn't have that brush I was just gonna use my hand to warm that little tail of yours didn't you?"

The way her momma said that almost made it sound like, she herself had done it before. "Y-Yes momma."

"Lord almighty." Her momma rubbed her daughter's braided hair for a moment. "You really are just like me when I was a little girl." Her momma then walked into her closet and she came out with one of her daddy's thinner belts. A belt who's sting Helena had only felt one time in her nine years of life. "So here is your choice." Her momma began resting that belt across one of her shoulders. "Either you are gonna head down to Ms. Row's shop and she is gonna help you buy me a new spanking brush, or I am whoop you with your daddy's belt."

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