Start from the beginning

No, Jimmy dismissed, dropping his hand. This wasn't about him or the feelings Atticus most likely knew about. This was about Atticus and the loveless marriage he would be forced into.

"Maybe you should write him a letter," Joel suggested. "Write whatever you can't say in person."

Jimmy's blood ran cold at the idea. There was no way Joel knew, right? Jimmy hadn't even told Lizzie.

The letter had remained unanswered for weeks. Jimmy brushed it off as Atticus healing, but then more time passed and his anxiety grew. Atticus hadn't responded to the letter, but he never brought it up, either. He acted like it didn't exist, which did nothing to soothe Jimmy's anxieties. At the same time, Atticus wasn't pushing him away. In fact, he seemed a lot more inviting to Jimmy than before. But he never gave a hint, never—

Oh, Jimmy realized, stomach twisting. Atticus had never read the letter at all.

He didn't know if that was a relief or not.

"No, you're right," Joel muttered, taking Jimmy's silence as dismissal. "Dumb idea."

"Is it?" Jimmy asked, wringing his hands together. "A letter is dumb?"

"A letter is not dumb," Scott protested, elbowing Joel. The king winced, clearly not knowing what he'd said wrong. "But maybe there are other ideas we can explore."

"You could just offer to marry the Foxling," Joel mused. Jimmy stopped short, staring at Joel with wide eyes. Joel shrugged, inspecting his nails as if he'd ever let them get dirty. "You like him. He, uh, seemingly likes you back. And a marriage would strengthen both of your empires," he added. Scott nodded along with his words in agreement. Jimmy thought they were both insane.

"Absolutely not!" he exclaimed, sitting on the couch again. "He— The Foxling wouldn't want to marry another ruler anyway. It took almost a decade for him to offer an alliance. Marriage is—" Jimmy paused, remembering the expression on the Foxling's face when Sausage had suggested that they get married. He'd been disgusted, angry—and scared. 

"Marriage isn't what he wants," Jimmy decided. "Especially not to another royal. Maybe even another noble."

Scott cleared his throat. He tugged at his sleeves as he spoke, "That's not true."

Jimmy frowned. Joel leaned forward, less interested in his nails than he was in the gossip. "What do you mean?" Joel asked.

Scott shrugged, giving Jimmy a sheepish look. "I spoke with him a few days ago. I asked if he'd consider marrying another ruler." Despite himself, Jimmy leaned forward, too, him and Joel giving Scott their full attention. The elf rolled his eyes. "I was curious. He said no."

Jimmy deflated, turning away with a frown. It's not as though he thought he had a chance with Atticus, did he?

"Hey." Jimmy looked back at Scott; the Rivendellian smirked at him. "Then I asked if he would marry you."

Jimmy's heart dropped into his stomach. From beside Scott, Joel cackled throwing his head back. "Tell me you didn't," Jimmy pleaded, feeling a blush crawl up his face and to the tips of his ears. "Please tell me you didn't ask him that."

Scott shrugged again, looking amused. "He said yes," Scott revealed, which ceased Joel's laughter. "He said you're the only ruler he would marry, actually."

It felt like bugs were crawling under his skin, making their home in his bones; every nerve was on fire. Scott was his best friend; he would never, ever lie about something like this, not when he knew just how deep Jimmy's feelings ran for Atticus. The elf would sooner kill someone than he would betray Jimmy's trust. He might poke, tease, and generally make fun of Jimmy, but he knew where the line was drawn. This was not something he would even joke about, never mind blatantly lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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