Sweet Kisses

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Hope you'll enjoy this chapter. :)

We are now back in our POV and we start off at the point where we ran into Professor Sharp.

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"Oh, come on," I hear Sallow call out in amusement as I turn around and head towards Ominis, but instead I'm met with a hard body that belongs to a large figure. I look hesitantly at Professor Sharp's scarred face, which doesn't look amused.



"Miss Y/l/n, Mr. Sallow." He grunts out, "I was not aware that you skipped two years of school after the holidays, and you're now allowed to attend the ball."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

My whole body is tense, and I am at a loss for words as countless things are running through my head. Where is Nel? Did he see her and Ominis too?
I try to peek behind Professor Sharp, but the second I lean a little to the side, he turns his head and tries to look over his shoulder.

"SIR!" Sallow suddenly yells out, making Professor Sharp's head snap back to him. I use the moment where he's distracted and step a bit to the side, so I can now see Nellie and Ominis standing not so far away from us, slightly hidden behind a table.

I subtly try to gesture with my head for her and him to leave. She doesn't notice me, though.

I can hear Sallow trying to reason with the professor: “I'm sorry, sir. This is absolutely my fault. I asked Y/n to accompany me to the ball after I found out about it. As some kind of apology…you know…for that prank?”

I listen, still sending unspoken clues with my eyes and strange-looking head twitches. Any sane person looking at me from the outside would think I was having some kind of seizure or that I'm completely out of my mind. Thankfully, Professor Sharp doesn't notice my unusual behaviour because he is being distracted by Sallow.

"So?" I hear Professor Sharp answer back, "You've decided that an adequate apology for a prank would be breaking the rules?"
He doesn't sound convinced.

After nearly giving myself whiplash, Nellie finally seems to get the damn hint and grabs Ominis to sneak out of the Great Hall.
I feel bad for letting him take the fall, so I try to speak up, "Sir, actually-"
"Yes, Sir." Sebastian interrupts me, sending me a glare. "I know that is quite an unorthodox apology, but at that moment it seemed logical. Looking back now, I can admit that I wasn't thinking about it properly."

"Clearly." Sharp groans. "That will be another two weeks of detention for you, Mr. Sallow."
Sallow just nods in understanding.
"And your first two, as far as I am aware, Miss Y/l/n." he adds while staring me down.
I turn my gaze towards the floor, feeling highly intimidated and embarrassed.

"But, sir, I already told you it was my idea. She had nothing to do with it."
My head snaps to Sallow in surprise and confusion, who was trying to argue on my behalf.

Profesor Sharps sighs loudly. "Did you trick her to come with you?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, Sir."

Sharp rubs his forehead in annoyance. "Did you put her under any curse or spell that limited her free will?"

"No, Sir." Sallow furrows his brows in confusion.

"Did you kidnap her and force her to dance with you, threatening her life if she didn't?"

Sallow looks stunned. "Of course not, sir. Who in their right mind would do that?"

I press my lips together, trying hard not to laugh at Sallow's confused facial expression.
"Well then, Mr. Sallow, Miss Y/l/n acted on her own free will and could have said no to breaking the rules. She did not. You both broke the rules. You are both out past curfew and attending an event that you were neither invited to nor allowed to attend.
I expect you both to be in my office tomorrow at 2p.m."
His tone and expression left no room for more questions or arguing.
"I also take 10 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor. Now, off to bed. Both of you. And don't even think of sneaking back in. If I catch you again, it will be three weeks of detention," he adds sternly.

"Yes Sir." Sallow and I answer in unison as we quietly make our way out of the hall.

Once outside, I take a deep breath.
I turn my head towards Sallow. "Why did you do that? I could have taken the blame. After all, it was my idea."
He shrugs. "I felt like I owed you one. Besides, you heard him. We both got detention, and I doubt it would be any different if you had taken the blame, so it really makes no difference anyway."

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