New Friends

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In the last chapter and also in this one, I'm trying my best to stay accurate to most of the HL layouts but I might change a few little things. Just a heads up :)

Throughout the story, I will also add a few more characters that I created. For example the Gryffindor Girl I'll mention later on.

If you're confused about anything, please don't hesitate to ask questions.

And please feel free to blame the spelling checker if you notice any mistakes 💕😭

The next morning, I wake up quite early, get dressed, and wait in the common room for Nellie. Together, we try to find our way back into the Great Hall for breakfast, almost getting lost twice.

The second I enter the hall, I turn to look up to the ceiling, a bright blue sky above our heads. The Great Hall is just as busy as the night before. I notice that some students are sitting at their house tables but also that some are mingling with the other houses. Probably to catch up with their friends about their summer vacation.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Ominis at the Slytherin table. I didn't really get the chance to speak to him after the sorting. I take a mental note to talk to him soon while I follow Nellie to the Gryffindor table to meet up with our other two dorm mates, Cressida Blume and Jane Harris.

Sitting down, we exchange polite greetings and small talk about our first night in Hogwarts. The tables are crammed full of plates with all sorts of different things. Halfway through our breakfast, I see Professor Weasley making her way to our table. "This is your timetable for the first year. Since you don't have classes today, you might as well get familiar with the school grounds, so you won't get lost tomorrow." She continues walking down the other tables.

I take my timetable and notice that we'll start with charms tomorrow morning. I am excited to see what spells we'll learn first.

Nellie, Cressida, Jane, and I quickly finish our breakfast so we can finally wander freely through the castle. We walk through all kinds of halls, up what feels like millions of stairs, and try to remember where every classroom is. Fortunately, there is the possibility of getting to your destination faster with Floo Flames. Unfortunately, I have to say that it's not a particularly nice way to travel because it feels like you're losing ground under your feet. I hope it's just a matter of getting used to it.

As we walk around the outdoor area after lunch, I see Ominis sitting on a bench not far from us. I apologise to the girls and make my way to Ominis. The sun is shining warmly over our heads and there is a pleasant, refreshing wind as I sit down next to him.

"Hey, Ominis. It's me, Y/n"

"Oh, hey. How was your first day so far?" I am not sure if he's asking out of politeness or if he's genuinely interested. I decide to go with my first assumption. "It's been good so far. I'm glad I like the girls I'm sharing a dorm with." I chuckle. "To be honest, though, the castle is so big, almost intimidating."

He nods in agreement. "Yeah, it's quite the challenge to navigate myself around."

"You know, if you ever need help with anything, just ask. Ok?"

"Noted." He responds, smiling, although I am not sure if he will actually ever ask for help.

After a minute of silence, with nothing to be heard other than the gentle whisper of the wind in the trees, I decide to state the obvious in hopes of sparking another conversation. "So, I noticed you were sorted into Slytherin." He just nods again, seemingly lost in his mind.

"How are you feeling about it?" I ask further.

He thinks for a second, choosing his words. "I wasn't expecting anything else. Neither was my family, but I am still relieved that I now have one less issue to worry about."

Before my brain could stop my mouth, the next question stumbled out. "What other issues do you have to worry about?" He tenses for a split second before he sighs, "I guess that's a topic for another time."

I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, so I quickly apologise, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be intrusive." He shakes his head and turns his face away from me. "Don't apologise for being curious. I appreciate your genuine interest in me." He gets up, holding his wand in front of him. "I guess I'll see you in classes tomorrow then..."

We say goodbye, and I watch him for a moment. There's something about him that I find incredibly exciting, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Nellie's amused voice and her playfully knocking on my head make me look back at her and roll my eyes. "We saw Ominis leaving, but you didn't come back to join us again, so I thought we'd come over. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply.

We stay outside for a while, just enjoying the late summer sun, before going back into the hall for dinner. I spent the rest of the evening writing a letter to my parents and preparing for class tomorrow.

The next morning dawns much faster than I would like. I'm reluctant to drag myself to breakfast after a pretty restless night. But it doesn't take long until the excitement kicks in again, and I'm just waiting for Nellie to finally swallow her last bite of toast so that we can make our way to the Charms classroom.

When I don't feel like waiting anymore, I just grab Nellie's arm and pull her with me. "Come on. I really don't want to be late on the first day." All she can say is, "Ugh, fine," as she stands up, more or less voluntarily, and we finally climb the steps to the classroom. Neither of us are particularly keen on using the floo flames straight after eating.

As we enter the room we notice that we are not the first to arrive. The back row is already occupied by Garreth and the other Gryffindor boys. Nellie and I grab a table in the front row. Right in front of Garreth and Leander. Just a few seconds later I see Ominis come in with a few other Slytherins. Two of them being the Sallow Twins.

"Good morning." I greet Ominis cheerfully, who immediately greets me back. Even though I was clearly speaking to Ominis, Sebastian Sallow must have thought I meant him. Because as he walks to his table next to us, his head snaps in my direction. Confusion all over his face: "Have we met yet?"

"I wasn't talking to you," I snap back, still holding a grudge. He just shrugs unimpressed, "My question still stands."

"In this case, yes. I had the displeasure of meeting you on the platform. You almost knocked me over." My tone is as cold as ice, and my eyes are squinted.

"Oh yes. That was you." He chuckles and rubs his neck sheepishly. "I'm really sorry about that."

"Yeah, sure... Whatever." I grumble back as he moves along to sit next to Ominis.

"We've been here for two days and you've already made a Slytherin your enemy." Nellie whispers a laugh. "I'm not sure if I should be proud of you or afraid of you." She continues to giggle.

"Hush now. He's not an enemy. Just an annoying, arrogant git."

The professor's entrance interrupts our chatter, and the first real class at Hogwarts begins.

Lie To MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon