A Crush

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Hello there :)

This chapter is a bit shorter again, I've heard a lot of people prefer shorter ones but I am curious to what you guys prefer.
Short chapter for me are about 1k - 2k words. Longer ones starting at 2k.

I personally like to read longer chapters but when it comes to writing, I prefer shorter ones. It's just easier for me to write them and get them published quicker.

Anyway, let me know what you guys prefer.

Also feedback considering the story is always appreciated :)

Hope you enjoy the chapter 💕

The autumn breeze kept getting colder; days became shorter while nights became longer. Rainy days turned into snowy ones as the weeks went by. All students were highly occupied with a lot of homework and studying.

It was almost time for Christmas break, which meant Hogwarts was getting a lot more cosy. Christmas trees were put up, and halls were decorated. Mistletoe was hung in random places, causing students to either giggle and kiss or practically jump out of the way, depending on the other person who was standing next to them.

I was once one of the people that jumped out of the way, having found myself standing under a mistletoe with none other than Sebastian Sallow.

There was another time when I was too distracted to notice that I was standing under a mistletoe when Garreth put a light kiss on my cheek, making me blush furiously. He grinned, pointed towards the mistletoe above our heads, and went his way. Leaving me flabbergasted behind.

What I have learned from this, however, is to constantly look up just to be sure I don't end up in an awkward position.

Christmas was approaching, which also meant that the second Quidditch match was finally being held just a few days ago: Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff. It was a fun match, which Ravenclaw won, but this time I made sure to stay away from Sallow and his stupid bets.

The party after was quite enjoyable as well, and it made me see Ravenclaw's common room for the first time. It was stunning, but I still prefer ours. The bummer with those parties is that, as first-year students, the prefects will kick us out and order us to our dorms. They are a bit easier on second-year students, and I can't wait for my first party, where I'm allowed to stay past curfew.

Nellie and I also had the opportunity to get closer over time; we often have late-night talks about everything and anything. She told me that she actually has a slight crush on Sallow, which, to be honest, almost made me vomit. He is an arrogant prick, and Nellie is sweet and kind. She definitely deserves someone better than him. But trying to be the supportive friend I am, I was trying my hardest to set them up by pulling the "Oh, have you met my friend"-card. That didn't lead to much, though, so I started pushing her into him when we crossed paths in the hallways.

She always scolds me for it, but I find it quite amusing how flustered she gets when he catches her.

To our dismay, however, we discovered that Nellie wasn't the only girl who seemed to have a crush on him. Much to my surprise and utter confusion, he seems to be quite popular among the girls.

As much as I dislike Sallow, if anyone deserves a happy relationship, it's my best friend, Nellie. That's why I recently had to swallow my pride and often start a conversation with him and Ominis, who seem to be inseparable. Even more so than Sebastian and his twin.

We started sitting at the Slytherin table more often after or during meals to give Nellie an opportunity to talk to him. Once she jumps into the conversation, it's my time to stay back. Most of the time, I then start to talk to Ominis, whom I find quite pleasant to talk to. He is really kind, smart, and funny. Often in a sarcastic way, but I like that. I enjoy his company in a platonic way, but sadly, his company often comes with both Sallows. Anne makes it somewhat obvious that she dislikes me. I do not know why, nor do I care.

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