A Sore Loser (His POV)

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I actually thought I'd wait a bit longer before posting a Sebastian POV but it felt right doing it already. So sit back and let's take a look inside of Sebastian's head.

His POV starts the moment Y/n walks out of the Slytherin common room. So it's basically back to being the weekend.
The next chapter will be back to our POV.

Hope you enjoy 💕


With one last disparaging look at Sebastian, who is now glaring at me, I turn around and hurry out of the Slytherin common room.


I glare at her, watching her stomp out of the common room.

"I can't believe you played her like that." I hear Anne laugh loudly. "She should have known better than to make a bet with a Slytherin, I guess."

I listen to her giggle while still staring in the direction Y/N went. A very unpleasant feeling is growing inside me that makes my stomach clench, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is, or rather, I try to ignore the source of it.

A sigh from Ominis makes me turn my head towards him and try to read his expression. In this short amount of time since we've started school, we quickly became good friends. I would even dare to say best friends, but sometimes I still struggle to read him.

"What?" I ask him while sitting back down at the table.

He turns his head towards me, "As amusing as your stories in her homework sound, I think you've gone a little too far."

"What?" Anne and I say in unison, both highly irritated by Omini's statement.

"Think about it. It's been all the assignments from the past two weeks. That's a lot she has to improve over the weekend now."

“Well, then she shouldn’t have given me her assignments,” I say, trying to justify my actions while the uncomfortable feeling still lingers within me and seems to grow with every word he says.

"It was your stupid idea. The least you could do is be true to your word." He snaps at me.

"Well, I was! I did her homework." I look over to Anne in hopes she will jump in and defend me, but she just stares at me and raises her hands, trying to make it clear that she's staying out of our argument.

Ominis sighs once again. "No, you didn't stick to the agreement; it was implied that it had to be done properly. What you did was unnecessarily mean. Especially because the bet was your idea."

"Bloody hell, Ominis, I just had this conversation with Y/n, why do you have to urgently repeat it now?" I run my hands through my hair in frustration. Ominis seems to like to push my buttons. "Can you just drop it, please? I kept my word, and it's her fault if she actually thought I'd do her homework without getting a little creative."

"Fine, whatever helps you sleep at night." He gets up from his chair and leaves for the dormitories.

"Can you believe him?" I'm asking Anne in disbelief, hoping that she will side with me now.

She just shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders, telling me that she thinks we're both right and wrong at the same time. When I want her to explain what she means, she answers reluctantly, "I mean, yes, you technically did do her homework, but purposefully ruining everything was also kind of a mean thing to do. Funny, but still a little mean."

Anne's opinion doesn't ease the uneasiness I feel. I refuse to acknowledge that I actually feel the slightest bit of guilt, but the more I think about it, the less I seem to be able to shake it off.

It's like a virus; once it's settled in your system, it spreads. I think about the first two assignments she already handed in, Potions and Charms, last week. I gave it to her shortly before the professors collected it, with her name already written on top, just to be sure she didn't notice the intentional mistakes I made in her essays. And it worked. She didn't double-check.

Anne eyes me suspiciously; I can see her out of the corner of my eye. "What's going through your mind?" she asks curiously.

I shake my head, not in the mood to elaborate my thoughts. "Nothing."

She rolls her eyes at me and condescendingly says, "Oh, please, don't tell me you're feeling guilty because of that little Gryffindor now?"

She knows me a little too well, but I don't need her to know that right now. "I am not."

She raises her eyebrows in scepticism, but I try to turn the tables. "Also, weren't you just saying that Ominis is right, and it was mean?" I chuckle lightly at her contradiction.

"Yes, but I don't think you should feel guilty about it. Now, if you'd excuse me, I'm going to my room while you can sit here and suffer in silence because your little girlfriend is mad at you." Anne rolls her eyes at me once again, obviously annoyed and angry. That definitely didn't go unnoticed, but I let it slide, not being capable of handling her drama right now.

At the moment, I'm far too focused on myself and this constant feeling of guilt that torments my conscience.

After a while I get up from my chair and walk out of the common room into the corridors of Hogwarts. I can't really believe what I'm about to do as I stand outside Professor Sharp's office and knock on the door. I hear a grumbling from inside, which indicates that there must be someone inside. Only a few seconds pass and the door opens. Professor Sharp stands in the doorway, slightly confused, probably wondering what kind of idiot is bothering him on a Saturday.

It's me. I am that idiot.

An idiot who is about to do something even more stupid.

"Mr. Sallow. What can I do for you?"

"Hello Professor. I... uh..." I feel unsure and don't know how to address my problem. Noticing my discomfort, he invites me into his office.

As we both sit on opposite sides of his desk, I gather all my courage, knowing full well the possible consequences of my actions. I look at Sharp and finally open my mouth.

"Sir, there has been a problem with Miss Y/l/n's essay. You see, I wrote that essay. I don't know if you've already read it, but there are a lot of mistakes, and... uh, it was supposed to be a prank." 

I fidget nervously with the hem of my jumper, but Professor Sharp is kind enough to let me finish the story at my own pace. Which I am thankful for. I take a deep breath and continue. "I wrote that essay and switched it with her original one, but she didn't notice and accidentally handed it in. I didn't mean for her to hand it in." 

Professor Sharp rummages through one of his drawers. I can hear rustling, and after a bit, he pulls out what I assume to be Y/n's essay.

"You mean this one?" Sharp asks, putting the parchment in front of me. One quick look, and I know this is the one I've been talking about, so I just nod.

"That explains a lot. I've been wondering what that nonsense was. I appreciate your honesty, Mr. Sallow, but I do hope you know what the consequences are." He raises his brows and he made it somewhat sound like a question, but it was truly more of a statement. Of course I knew what my 'honesty' would cost me. I just nod.

"One week of detention, starting on Monday at 8 p.m. And I will inform Miss Y/l/n about this situation. You may leave now."

"Thank you Sir." I hurry to leave the room and as soon as I'm outside, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

One professor down, one more I have to face.

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