chapter 0:the weakest humans alive

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*=action or sound effect

()=a person's thoughts

T=intimidating voice

Hello=ethereal voice

Bold=the narrator

[Bold]=character narration/introduction

"Hello there"=TV, phone or electrical device

[]=move or named attack and/or translation

<>=weapon or magical device

3RD PERSON POV: in a seemingly endless void of darkness the sounds of stone breaking would be heard from above before the roof of a cave broke open, the broken stones falling to the floor, as a rope soon followed after as a group of people soon followed, wearing hazmat suits and with flashlights in their hands

Man:where the hell are we?

The man asked his co-workers as they shinned their lights around in the cave, trying to figure out where they are

Women2:looks like some kind of underground cave-tunnel system

Man1:no shit sherlock. I know we're in a cave I'm asking WHERE are we in a cave!

Their two co-workers ahead of them would simply ignore them as one held a gaiger counter as they walked through the dark cave

Women1:Madeline's right. Why are we here?

Man2:some rich red head asked us to look for some kind of temple or a tapestry or something, I don't know

The man answered her simply before as one of them then noticed a light up ahead

Man1:what's that up over there?

The group would walk towards a light to find remnants of what looks like an arena, only broken and taken over by nature, leaving on what looks like decying skeletons covered in flowers and greenery at one of the rings corners


The marveled at the sight before them as one of the women then looked at the device in her hands and saw that there was zero radiation or mana in the air

Women2:there's zero traces of mana or radiation. Even though it should be lethal enough to kill us even with the suits

The group would soon take their helmets off as one of the men took a deep inhale of air before letting out a deep satisfied sigh

Man2:the airs even cleaner than up top!

The group would simply look around some more, recoding any data they could find as one of the men walked past a temple being held by nature and vains and stopped to stare at a wall

Man1:I think we found what we where looking for guys....

The group would stop what they where doing and joined him to look at what he was looking at

Man2:call the boss

The women would scramble for the phone in their suit and dialed a number. They all stood silently as they only heard the phone ring before they heard a voice on the other side and quickly put the phone on speaker

???:"did you find it?"

Women1:y-yes, sir!

???:"tell me what you see"

They would all go silent as the man on the other end simply waited. The group didn't know how to explain what was infront of them. What they where seeing infront of them before one of them broke the silence

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