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Aleatha was badly injured. I carried her into Optimus's cab. She wasn't safe. Her body was acting strange. I couldn't put the seat belt around her when we made that huge jump Shane made us go on. Then we had to run from that decepticon that killed Lucas.

"Cade, how is she?" She was sweating really bad.

She was curled up on my lap and in pain. Her piece of Optimus's spark was glowing really bright. She was clutching onto it so hard her knuckles were turning white.

"Dad?" I looked at Tessa.

She was worried about Lea. Lea was like a mother figure to Tessa. I grit my teeth.

"She's not doing well. Her wounds are still spreading and she's running a really high fever. I wish we could take her to a hospital, but then the government would get her." I watched as Lea grit her teeth in her sleep.

Then she screamed. Her scream sounded strange. It was almost like nails on a chalkboard except mechanical. Optimus swerved and it felt like my ears were bleeding. I glanced at Tessa. She and Shane had their ears covered and were in pain. I shoved my hand over Lea's mouth. It dimmed the noise, but not enough.

"We need to pull over and find a spot to hide Optimus. Now! Something's not right." Optimus drove faster.

The screaming stopped and she went limp in my arms. Her veins began to glow bluish green and a green glow radiated off her body. Her chest was glowing under the piece of Optimus's spark.

"Dad," I looked up at Tessa, "what's happening to her Dad? Is she dying?"

The fear in Tessa's voice hurt to hear. I looked down at Lea. Her body was still glowing. Tessa and I couldn't lose someone else. Not again.

"Optimus. We can't keep driving. Something is wrong with Lea. We have to stop." The engine revved.

Optimus pulled over near an old gas station. Tessa and Shane were out of Optimus. Optimus opened the door and I jumped out with Aleatha. Optimus transformed. He was concerned.

"Put her down, Cade. I have no clue what's happening to her." I laid her down.

Her body began to glow really bright alarmingly fast.

"Get away! Quickly!" We ran as far as we could before a bright greenish blue light exploded from Lea's body.


I felt a large pain in my chest and then I felt different. My whole body felt weird. There was a burning in my chest. My vision cleared and I was really high above the ground. I sat up. I heard machine sounds. I looked down. I had metal hands. I looked up at Optimus. His optics held concern. His optical ridge was furrowed.

"Aleatha?" I glanced down at the ground.

The part of his spark was glowing. I looked back up at him. I wasn't an elf. I was an Autobot. I was a machine.

Sweet spark? Focus on my voice. It's okay. I'm here. Just listen to my voice.

I looked back up at Optimus. His blue optics were full of concern. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I'm here, Aleatha.

I opened my optics and stood up. It was so weird. My body was machinery now. I glanced down at my servos. It was so weird having robotic hands instead of my elven ones.

"Sweet spark," I looked up at Optimus, "I'm okay. I just have to get used to this."

I reached down and picked up the piece of his spark. I moved my chest plate and reached my servo in and pulled out my matrix. Optimus looked surprised.

"That's impossible. That flower has been extinct for ages," I smiled at him, "true, but it still found a way to survive. The primes helped. Without them it would have withered and died. They created a new matrix. The Matrix of Nature. They deemed it only necessary that the holder of the Matrix of Leadership's partner be blessed with a Matrix all her own."

"Lea?" I turned to see Cade, Tess, and Shane.

I turned back towards Optimus. I reached my hand inside my chassis and took a piece of my spark. I held it out towards Optimus. I put the Matrix back inside my chassis. He opened his own chassis. I smiled. He added the piece to his spark. I felt a connection to him, but I knew it wasn't complete. I took the piece of his spark I had held with me all this time and entered it into my own chassis. I felt and saw everything that ever happened in his life. The first day we met flashed through my mind. Optimus was there, wrapping his arms around me. I felt our connection. I felt everything he was feeling. I looked up at him. His blue eyes made me feel at home, but we were in danger.

"I have to change back. It's only right. This way they don't know about me. So if I have to intervene they won't be expecting it." He nodded.

"That is best." I leaned up and kissed him.

It felt amazing to be able to do so. It felt right. Like we were two parts of one whole. I pulled away. His optics were glowing a bright blue.

"Your optics are so beautiful, Sweet spark," he frowned, "now change back. You cannot stay in this form for long. For your safety."

I smiled and nodded. I stepped away. I closed my eyes. I pictured myself in my elf form. I felt a warmth spread throughout my body. I gasped and opened my eyes. I was small again. I could still feel him. I smiled up at him.

"I'm leaving to make sure you're safe and we weren't followed. Go inside and hide. I'll return soon." I nodded and watched as he drove off.

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