Optimus Prime

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I followed Cade into the barn and we got to work. Cade and I dressed in safety gear while Lucas dinked around. I was relieved that Cade was helping me. Even after I had hid what I was from him. I took a deep breathe and focused. I was helping Cade extract whatever was in Optimus's engine.

"Lea," I looked at Cade, "whatever happens you will always be family. You've done so much for me and Tess."

Why is he saying that?

I lowered myself down and glanced at his hands inside Optimus's engine. Oh shit. He was holding a missile. I stood up. I would extract it with my magic.

"Cade," he looked at me, "take your hands off. Let me extract it."

He looked confused. My hands began to glow. He slowly backed away. I surrounded the missile with my powers and slowly extracted it. It lit as soon as it was out of Optimus. I made a shield around it with my magic. It exploded. Then all hell broke loose. Optimus transformed and I didn't have enough time to move away. Optimus thrashed around, I got knocked back a bit. Cade backed away. My head hurt from hitting the ground. I stood up and Lucas foolishly tried to run. Optimus hit him. Ouch.

"Optimus, stop! Just stop. You're safe. You're okay." Optimus pointed his gun at me.

"Who are you? Where am I? I must find my Autobots. They're in danger. We all are. I need to leave." A piece of him fell off.

I placed my hand over my mouth. He was so hurt. So damaged. I bent down and picked up the piece that fell off. It was one of his audio receptors. He was falling apart.

"My name is Cade Yeager. This is Lea. That's Lucas. We just want to help you." I found myself starting to tear up.

I was sad, but I was also angry. Someone has done this to him. Someone had hurt him so badly. It made me furious. I saw red. I wanted to hurt someone.

"Lea," I looked up at Cade, "go take a minute."

I glanced at Optimus. His blue optics focused on me. I looked away and nodded. I handed the piece of Optimus to him. I turned away and threw off my apron. I rushed out of the barn. I found a tree and hit it. My hands were glowing. I continued to hit the tree. The plants around me were growing and blooming. I was so angry. They had hurt him and if I ever found them they would pay. I would rip them apart. I fell to the ground. The plants around me glowed in response to my magic. I needed to calm down. I started crying. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I had never felt so angry towards humans before. Not even in my world. I glanced down at my piece of Optimus's spark. I slid it off. Some of the anger faded, but not all of it. I slipped the piece of his spark back on. I took a deep breath. I needed to calm down. Optimus needed me. I placed my hands on the ground. I focused on the feel of the grass beneath my hands. Of the plants all around me. Vines had wrapped around my arms.

"I'm fine now. Thank you." The vines receded from my arms.

I sat down and leaned back against the tree. I held the piece of his spark in my hands. It was warm. I had missed the warmth. It had been so cold for so long I had grown worried. I feared I had lost Optimus. Now I had him and we were in danger.

"Lea," I looked up.

Cade looked worried, "I need your help and Optimus wants to speak to you."

I bit my lip. I stood up. I walked back to the barn. I closed the door behind me.

"Lucas, I need you to run to town so I can fix him. Here's the list of items I need." I walked up to Lucas.


He looked at me.

If you even think about calling I will kill you. If you run I will hunt you down and gut you like a fish.

He looked fearful. I didn't care. Lucas ran out of the barn.

"Who are you?" I turned to Optimus.

His blue optics were a little brighter. I glanced down at his chassis. His spark was damaged. I pulled the chain off from around my neck. I held it up for him to see. I could feel the anger and hatred radiating from his body.

"It's been a while, Orion." He knelt down in front of me.

"Aleatha," I smiled, "it's been awhile."

He stroked my cheek with one of his digits. He looked relieved that I was okay. Then his optical ridge furrowed.

"Why do you look different?" I shook my head.

"I had to blend in. It's magic. I enchanted the chain so that I could look human all the time. If I didn't I would be in danger. The humans are looking for me just as they are looking for you." I smiled at him.

His derma's lifted into a smile. I leaned against his servo. I closed my eyes. I missed him. I felt safe knowing he was here. I opened my eyes. He may not have human eyes, but I could see the love in his optics.

"Do you need this piece?" He shook his helm.

"No. Keep that with you. It's a part of our bond. You're my sparkmate. I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled at him.

"Alright you two it's time to get working on fixing him." I blushed.

I pulled away and put the spark piece back around my neck. I looked at Cade.

"Let's do this." I put my shop apron on.

I began working with Cade to fix Optimus.

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