Chapter Twenty-four

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Dear Paige,
When I was 18, my parents threw me a graduation party. That day changed my life forever. I was so excited to find out what huge gift my parents got me. After everyone had left and Sally had cleaned up the house, my parents sat me down at the table. My mother had tears in her eyes and my dad was beaming. He cleared his throat. “We’re very proud of you, Katherine. The path you’re on will lead you to the best life that a young woman like you can have. But along that way, you’re going to need help,” he said and glanced at my mother. She nodded her head in agreement and got up to get my present. My father continued to speak. “Your mother and I wanted to get you the best help possible, so we hired you some help!” He said enthusiastically and at that moment, my mother walked in and behind her was a girl about my age...... A black girl. She was taller than me, with dark brown skin, and really shiny black curly hair. She looked miserable standing beside my mother. Both of my parents were beaming and looking at me expectantly. So I put on my best smile and said thank you. “Thank you, but I don’t understand why I need more hired help when we already have Sally,” I said in a confused tone. “That brings us to your second surprise: we cleaned out and remodeled the back house. It’s all yours Katherine!” Daddy announced excitedly, handing me what I assumed were the house keys to the small additional house out in the back. Now I was excited! I get my own place and I don’t even have to pay bills! “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I yelled, hugging them both. I almost forgot about the girl standing there. I tried to sound grown up and introduce myself to her. “Hello, I’m Katherine and you’re my slave now,” I said kindly. The girl gasped and my parents looked shocked. My mother raised her hand and slapped me across my face. Hard. “You are not to call Dorothy a slave! She is hired help,” my mother replied in an icy tone. My father’s face was red from embarrassment. I had flashbacks of when my mother slapped me for repeating what Addy told me years ago. “I’m sorry, Dorothy. I meant to say that I’m happy to have you as hired help. Welcome,” I told her. After a moment of awkward silence, I thanked my parents again and walked Dorothy to the back house. My new little house. I had been so busy with senior things for school that I hadn’t noticed the small farm house back here being remodeled. We walked past the barn with all the animals in it. With my cheek still stinging from the slap, I unlocked the door and we both walked into the house. It was small/medium sized with plain brown walls and a dark beige carpet. There was one bathroom that had a newly built shower, toilet, sink and cabinets. The living room had a brand new couch, a big TV, and a bookcase in the corner. We walked into the small kitchen; there was a refrigerator, stove, and a toaster oven on one of the counters. Dorothy and I walked back to the only bedroom in the house and I opened the door. It was cute and simple; a full sized bed with a pale yellow comforter that matched the curtains. The bed frame was a dark cherry wood that matched the dresser and nightstand next to it. The closet was small but at least the dresser had a lot of drawers. I walked over to the bed and sat down. I pointed to the spot next to me and Dorothy looked at me hesitantly. But then she came over and sat down. “What’s your full name?” I asked her, trying to be friendly. I wanted her to feel comfortable around me. I smiled at her. She smiled back, revealing a very straight and beautiful set of white teeth. “I’m Dorothy Dandridge. Thank you for welcoming me,” she said quietly. I nodded my head. “Where are you from?” I asked her. She seemed to relax more. She leaned back on the bed and said, “I’m from around here but in a different neighborhood. It’s about 15 minutes from here so the walk won’t be so bad,” she said. At that moment, she realized that she should probably start working now. She got off the bed fast and smoothed out the wrinkles on the comforter. “Would you like some Iced tea?” She asked me formally. I nodded my head yes, thinking of Addy and how she used to always make amazing iced tea. “Here ya go,” Dorothy said, placing the cup of iced tea on the small dining room table. I take a sip and smile. Sweet, just like how Addy used to make it. “Thank you,” I tell Dorothy and she smiles. Just remembering all of this really takes me back. My earlier years were tainted because of all that racism. Paige, be glad you don’t have to deal with that now.

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