Chapter Seventeen

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“You got arrested?!” CJ yells over the phone. I hold the phone away from my ear before I get a headache.
“Yes and you don’t have to yell,” I tell him.
“Sorry.. It’s just that you don’t seem like the ‘prison type’ that’s all.”
“What exactly is the ‘prison type’ CJ?” I asked him, slightly amused. My brother can be such a dork sometimes.
“You know, covered in tattoos, not scared of anything type,” he says, sounding super serious. I roll my eyes.
“Shut up boy. Anyways, I’m on house arrest so I can only go to work and then back home.”
“Fa real? That’s kinda awesome. Did you tell mom and dad?” He asks me.
“Heck no! I’m trying to live, not die. Soooo, tell me about your date with Emma,” I say, changing the subject.
“Oh... I like her a lot. She’s really cool,” he says. I can almost hear him blushing.
“Yeah, she had a lot to say about you too,” I tease him, knowing I won’t tell him any details because she’s my best friend.
“She did? What she say?!”
“Can’t tell ya. Best friend code.... Sorry bro,” I tell him and he sighs.
“It’s all good. I gotta go anyways. We’ll talk later. Love you.”
“Love you too,” I say and hang up.
“Hang on a second. You mean to tell me that you signed us up to be camp counselors at Camp Crustacean?!” I yell at Emma.
We were sitting at a table in Olive Garden eating lunch. Emma glanced around the room.
“Shhhh, keep your voice down. And yes, I did. I think it’ll be different and fun for us to do for the rest of the summer. We leave 5 days from now. We’ll be there for 2 weeks. It’ll be awesome. We can go swimming, canoeing, teach the kids new skills, and a lot more. Just trust me,” Emma pleaded with me.
     When she put it like that, it did sound kind of fun and interesting. But I’d have to be around so many smelly kids.
Hmm... I guess it’ll be worth a try.
“Come on... you just got off house arrest. This will be our celebration.”
“Hmm.. well..Okay, let’s do it.”
“Yay!!!! Just wait, summer tans here we come!” Emma says.

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