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“What happened last night?” CJ asked me in my room as he closed the door behind him.
“I know there’s something you’re not telling me,” he said in a low voice.
I took a deep breath and the next thing I knew, the truth was spilling out of me like water bursting through a dam. When I got done, CJ was staring at me with huge eyes. This is what really happened that night:
     Aaliyah and I were having the time of our life. We both had  too much to drink but Aaliyah could barely hold her head up and make a full sentence, So that’s how I ended up being the designated driver that night after we left our favorite restaurant/bar.
“Hehe this night was awesome, wasn’t it Paige?!” Aaliyah practically yells in my left ear.
“Yes it was , but your breath could use some mouthwash.... Here, sit down in the passengers side. I got you,” I reassure her as I help her gently sit down in the car.
After I sit down and buckle my seat belt, I start the car up.  I look over and notice how quickly Aaliyah passed out, snoring.
After about 15 minutes of driving, Aaliyah’s phone starts ringing. I glance down at it and see the name on the screen: Katherine.
As I reach over to get the phone, my car skids off the road and  slides into an almost empty Denny’s  parking lot. Aaliyah is jersey awake and I stumble out of the car.
     All I remember is us arguing and Aaliyah blaming me for the accident. I got mad and pushed her, causing her to fall and hit her head.
“You know you can’t tell anyone the truth, right? You’ll end up in jail... or prison,” he said.
“Duh... of course I know that. That’s why I need to move. I have to get away,” I confided in him.
“You guys, dinner is ready,”  mom said as she peaked in the room.
“Okay, coming,”  we said and got up to go in the dining room.
“Promise me you won’t mention a thing to mom and dad,” I tell CJ.
“I got you, sis. I won’t say anything,” he said and we went downstairs to go eat dinner.

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