Chapter Twenty

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Today I woke up feeling kind of manic. I hate when my bipolar episodes start bothering me. For the most part it is manageable, but I still take medication to help me manage the episodes so they don’t get worse.
     People with bipolar I disorder usually have manic episodes that last for at least several days. For me, my manic episodes vary; sometimes they are long and sometimes they can be very short. I feel like this episode is going to be a short one. I think that letter from Katherine triggered it.
“Honey, you seem kind of moody today... Are you having an episode?” My mother asks me over the phone. It was Tuesday and I had just got off work. She called me just as I walked in the door.
“Yes, it’s bothering me today. I’m sorry.... I’m just really tired and I just got off work right when you called.”
“Oh okay! Well, we’ll catch up soon then. Get some rest, love you. Tell Emma hello,” mom says.
“Okay. I will, and love you too.”
     After I got off the phone with my mom, I took a quick shower and then watched some TV in the living room. I had 2 missed calls; one from CJ and the other from Emma but I didn’t really feel like talking right now. I just wanted to chill. I’ll call them back later. I thought about the letter I got from Katherine and decided to write her back. I had to look up the address of that prison because I had forgotten it and she didn’t include the address on the envelope.
Dear Katherine,
Thanks for writing to me. I do remember you. Hopefully you Will get out soon. It still hurts to talk about Aaliyah because that incident happened a year ago so it’s still kind of fresh in my memory. That’s why I had to move out here; I needed a change of scenery and to be able to start over fresh. Anyways, I hope to hear back from you again. Take care!
     I read the letter over and then sealed it into an envelope. Just as I was putting the letter into my mailbox, Emma walked outside.
“I’m bored... I’m coming over,” she stated and walked past me and into my place. Emma is such a character at times.
“Okay,” I said as I walked back in and closed the door.
“Let’s watch a movie,” Emma suggests as we sat on the couch. “I vote for Mean Girls.”
“Sounds good. I think it’s on Netflix.”
“What’s wrong with you? You seem kinda moody today,” Emma observes.
Was it that obvious?!
“That’s what my mom asked me too! And yes, it’s just one of those episodes but it’s not that bad. I just feel manic and kind of blah.”
“That sucks... Well, let’s just chill and watch the movie and have some snacks,” Emma says, going Into the refrigerator to look for food.
We end up snacking on popcorn, chocolate, and licorice.
“I love when Damien sings Christina Aguilera’s song beautiful and gets hit by that shoe,” Emma cracks up.
“That’s because it was so random. Or when he yells that he wants his pink shirt back,” I add in.
“This is one of my favorite movies.”
“Mine too,” I say.
     After the movie ends, Emma stays for awhile longer and we have some girl chat. Then she leaves and goes back home.

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