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“Why are you moving, mija? If you need space, you can have it here. Please don’t go,” my mom pleaded in a quivery voice.
     I had just sat my family down and told them that I needed space and a change of scenery. I had decided to move to Ontario, California where CJ had just moved to. He spoke highly of it and helped me find a place out there.
“Mom, I need to do this for myself. Besides, I’m 32. I need to experience being on my own. I’ll be fine, plus CJ lives near there,” I reassured her.
“Near there? You’ve already found a place?” She asked me in a wounded voice. I took a deep breath and counted to ten in my head.
“Yes, I did find a place near CJ. I need to do this for myself mom. I’ll visit you guys and you’re always welcome to come stay with me. I’m moving into a two bedroom apartment. You can even decorate the guest room however you want to,” I say and that kind of perks her up a bit.
“I’m proud of you, Paige. I think this will be a good experience for you,” dad said in a positive tone of voice. I think he was just looking forward to all his kids being out of the house finally.
“I’m proud of you too... I just.. I’m gonna miss you,” mom cried and I gave her a big hug.
“I’m gonna miss you guys too. You can come visit me as soon as I get settled in, okay? And we can talk on the phone all the time,” I reassured her again. This time she smiled.
“I can decorate the guest room?  I guess that would be fun. I’ve already got an idea for the color scheme: black and grey with a red accent,” she said and we laughed.
     Of course she already had an idea, but at least that would keep her busy for awhile. 

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