New City, Who Dis?

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     The meaning of ‘the eye of the tiger’ is someone who is focused, confident, and has the look of being determined and intense no matter what they are going through. The person is ready to face challenges and overcome obstacles.... That person is me.
     Growing up, my parents were forever always trying to find the perfect house and neighborhood for my brother and me. Even though my brother, Charles James, was eight years younger than me, he was affected by all the moving and changing schools we’d been through just as much as I was. From house to house and school to school, we were always the new kids on the block. My father was a truck driver, so he was always sending my mother pictures of different houses he saw in new cities. And since my mother loved decorating and fixing up houses, she was like a dog with a new chew toy.
     With that being said, just imagine how unenthusiastic I was moving from San Francisco to Ontario, California. If I see one more packing box, I’m gonna turn into a pillar of salt! I’m not ashamed to say that at the age of 33, I am a big procrastinator! I wish I could have stayed in San Francisco, but I didn’t want to face dealing with mom and dad. I’m still upset that...

Ring, ring!

Ugh! I forgot to put my phone on silent last night. Groggily, I reach over and pick the phone up off of my nightstand. I glance at the screen.
My brother, CJ, was calling me. I answered on the third ring.
“What, CJ?” I answered, as a piece of crust fell out of the corner of my left eye.
“You were still sleep?! It’s the middle of the afternoon. Shouldn’t you be at work?” He asked.
“Shouldn’t you be minding your business?” I snapped back. After all these years, he still knows how to instantly annoy me. 
“Ah, okay. You’re still mad because I told mom and dad that..”
“I don’t want to talk about it, CJ. Now, what is it you called me for?” I asked, cutting him off.
“I’m not too far from your place. Wanna get something to eat?” He asked me. Now that I was waking up, I was pretty hungry.
“Alright, sounds good. But I have a session with a new client in an hour, so let me do that first. Then you can swing by and I’ll hop in the car with you. By the way... You’re paying,” I said and hung up.

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