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God, my headache from yesterday still hasn't gone away.

And my whole body's hot.

I think I have a fever. Shoot. I have to go to school, I haven't finished my painting in art, I need to, I wrote it down on my planner.

Besides, a headache and fever won't stop me.


12:36 P.M.

I retract my statement. Never in my- what- seventeen years of living (since she's in Jaidyn's body) have I felt this terrible.

The teacher is doing a terrible job at teaching. She walks up to the six stations every second asking for him and complementing their cooking or just them in general.

My station was finished and cleaned up already. Gemma and her friend immediately went to the Six station. The teacher allowed us to go to other stations as long as we finished. So, ever since then Gemma has been more than happy to help me clean and make our food without talking just to see them.

Also, Julie hasn't been at school lately, Yay, I mean I'm happy and all but shouldn't Mary or Erina notice that?

Imagine, your friends not even caring about you enough to notice you're missing.

The bell rang after a while and I went to the cafeteria and got myself a burger. It looked scrumptious.

But I went to the tree instead, I needed to cool my head off, just make it until I get home, I'll just text Emerson later, after all, I'm only here to get an education, the whole food expo thing wasn't in my schedule so that means it wasn't important enough to write down.

The sky was cloudy today. I watched as the clouds moved. I hoped it would rain. I love rainy weather. It helps me sleep much easier.

"[name]?" A voice called out to me.

Man, I went out here to not get bothered, how does it have the opposite effect?

I fluttered my eyes open to see Erina, Mary, and the six walking towards the tree.

"What's up?" I closed my eyes back up.

"We didn't see you at lunch... I thought you'd be out here and they followed me... Also, what's with the mask- oh wait, that's right you're a germaphobe!" Erina sat down next to me.

"She only changed this year, last year she was different, did you change your ways for attention [name]?" Mary 'joked'.

"Yep, totally"

I opened my eyes to notice that everyone sat in a circle, and Orien sat on my other side.

"So, Emerson's house today again?" Mary opened her lunch, she brought the noodles from yesterday.

I'll be recovering at home, also, will this happen every time I get a memory? I sure hope not, maybe the universe did this to me for plot purposes.

"How about we take a break today and you guys come by tomorrow," Emerson said, staring daggers at her. I guess he was still salty about her calling him Em.

I Reincarnated in The Foil and The HaremWhere stories live. Discover now