Character Descriptions

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From the Rewritten:

Erina May: Bright pink hair, and huge, clear blue eyes. Rosy cheeks and blinding, straight white teeth

Orien Aku: Long black hair with a few red highlights, mint green eyes framed by thick, dark eyelashes, an evenly structured face, and clear skin.

Killua Vulcan: Pale blond hair that was always shaggy, and sort of messy, sticking out in a few places, long enough to fall into his eye, and enough in the back to where he can put it in a small ponytail. In contrast to his light features, his eyes were dark, midnight blue color.

Abbadon Xenom: His dark black hair was, in length, similar to Killua's, and looked like he had just woken up, icy blue eyes were also framed by dark eyelashes and his skin was clear, he also had a nose ring.

Wesley Ignacio-Drake: Reddish-brown eyes, slightly irritated look on his features, ash blond hair was long, not as long as Orien's. It stops above his shoulders, and he has it in a ponytail at the back of his head. He had a black earring dangling from his left ear and a stud earring on his right, as well as a silver nose ring. (I think he has a tattoo idk though)

Emerson Phoenix: His kind features were a huge contrast to his colder personality. His brown eyes were so light they were the color of honey, and he had dark brown hair that went past his ears in a messy bedhead style.

Engel Rai: Quiet, yet intimidating art prodigy. Pale, almost white hair that reached the base of his neck, a slight wave to it, and his bangs fell just above his eyes. His skin was almost as pale as his hair, and he has violet colored eyes


(These are just personalities and backgrounds)

Erina (I made this one up myself): Her mother was abusive and soon went to jail. Making her have family issues. She's two-faced and very clingy to her significant other. (If y'all have a better description please comment or DM me!)

Orien Aku: His father owns this school, as well as the Satilite program. His father is a literal genius, his IQ surpasses Einstein's by a long shot. Not surprising his son follows in his footsteps, he doesn't even need to go to school, he only attends cause his friends are there. Orien himself specializes in science and a master at it. He's a major chemist, always testing new experiments, and a little sadistically, tests them on students. Last year he made this guy named Greg turn blue and sprout mushrooms from his armpits, which seems fucking impossible but you should have seen it. He plotted it for a week and in the end poured his new creation into Greg's protein shake. The worst part was that the effects didn't take place until around a day later during one of Greg's basketball games. He never returned to school after that. Orien's parents work at a lab, they also work with several CDC labs and all types of underground stuff. The danger they hold is massive, they can wipe out the population with strands of disease that they're the only ones who can make a cure for. He's also an only child.

Killua Vulcan: His family is a mystery, they work underground. His mother is the only face anybody has seen, his dad is unknown but he is who makes all the money for the family. The people who have seen his dad are also in the underground, a lot of them don't talk about him, or some even worship him. Whatever they do, he has billions, if not zillions of worth built up, they are the richest in the world next to the princes. Apparently, he has 5 brothers, 4 older and 1 younger, but they all do business in the underground with their father. Killua is excellent at technology, he's an expert hacker and has made several inventions, spyware, and all types of gadgets. He's so good at math that the teachers have to ask him to make the test and teach some lessons. He is basically the teacher for AP calculus at this point, and he gets paid for it.

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