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— [name] —

I walked to my next class.

Without my 'friends', which by the way- who the hell doesn't walk with their friends to the next class? Even if you don't have it together?!

Fake-ass friends. Now I'm really missing home

Painting I - Madam Emily Widow - Room 2270 A

I wonder if that's her name because she is a widow. That's mean. I'm sorry.

But according to my memories, that's what it was. Honestly, I'm glad I kept my old memories since the memories I received only led up to the beginning of the story as that makes sense.


I get the childhood part in the place is gone since they used that memory eraser on her but I kind of wished I got it since I was never able to see the whole thing since the story was well- you get it, left on a cliffhanger.

When I finally reached the class and sat at a seat, I thought of something.

What happens when I do everything? Will I go back home? Will I still be stuck here?

I should stop thinking like that.

It'll make me homesick.

Soon I saw my supposed friend Mary walk in. I hate her. Well to be frank I hate everyone from the story sometimes even Jaidyn but hey she was my favorite character.

Jaidyn just needed therapy, real friends, and her medication but she was still my favorite character.

Of course, she was too busy chatting with Erina to even notice I was there. Again, fake friend. The bell rang.

Soon you could hear the K-drama music playing just as the bell ended and the door opened. It was one of the six.

You have got to be fucking with me. I mean I knew this would happen but still gtfo.

The teacher is new so I wouldn't be surprised if she soon came down with the "six fever".

In which the fever spreads into their minds and they become subconsciously obsessed, becoming one of their many puppets.

And the teacher easily also becomes obsessed with them. Disgusting.

Wow. Word for word. Tone for tone. I am becoming like Jaidyn. Another thing that never crossed my mind before now. Am I still called [name]? Or did I become "Jaidyn"?

Doesn't matter though because there were two empty seats one near me and another near a girl. Thankfully he chose the one next to hers.

Thank you god I'll never forget this.

Soon, Madam Widow, or what she wanted us to call her "Emily" introduced herself before she started going over the syllabus.

Surprising, right?

I soon zoned out thinking about-

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