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— [name] —

It's Monday morning. And I might kms. JK. Just felt a little silly since I didn't want to go to school.

Oh yeah, and here's a little flashback of what happened the rest of Friday.

Flashback: Friday
4:30 P.M.
Janitors Closet

Orien had told me he was a homosexual-

Orien had told me to meet him on the top floor of the janitor's closet, you could see why I made that assumption. Even though I told him I was too busy for his bullshit, his rebuttal was that the janitor's closet was the only place we'd get enough privacy to discuss their "plan."

I reached the closet door and got yanked inside.


The closet was pretty spacious, but not really for seven people.

All six were in the closet with the light on and were asking me questions like I was a criminal.

"Were you followed?" Asked Abbadon.

"No, I wasn't followed, you weirdo, what's got your panties in a twist?"

"It'll be fine, the closets on the top floor are soundproof," Orien said.

"So you're agreeing to help us?" Wesley said to me, his tone didn't even sound like it was a question.

I looked at him as if he were dumb. Why the hell would I be here if I wasn't going to?

Are these really the smartest people at this school?

"I've already informed my family of your family's last name, social numbers, and other things needed to put our insurance so whenever your family is sent to a hospital, our insurance is automatically linked with them.: Wesley told me, smiling slightly. "... and don't worry, we'll cover the expenses for your... recent loss." He said.

"Well, that was expected as that's your part of the contract, now what do you want me to do?" I said before grabbing hands.

"Another lesson, don't touch people and take things without permission unless they're comfortable with you and even then it's good to have permission," I said, locking my gaze with Killua before letting go.

"Fast reflexes" Killua complemented.

"I know."

I pulled out my phone.

"When you want something you ask, go on, be polite" I held my phone out.

Killua scoffed before saying "Please get me your phone"

"See that wasn't so hard," I told him.

"We're gonna give you our numbers, we just want you to get closer to Erina, learn things about her, and feed it back to us. That's just your part, we'll handle everything else, and we'll inform you about changes." Killua said, typing what I believed to be their contacts into my phone.

"You're our best choice, Erina isn't that fond of Mary anymore by the looks of it, and Julie seems way too intimidating for her-

I Reincarnated in The Foil and The HaremDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora