"It's you and me, Riley," she said, turning to look at him over her shoulder.

His eyes were impassive but he offered a curt nod.

"Alright, grab your weapons and you can get started," Price ordered.

They moved to the table, each taking an airsoft gun. Next, she slipped a training knife from the table, tucking it into the band of her leggings before covering it with her sweatshirt.

When they were geared up, they separated into their teams and faced Price.

"Soap, Gaz, head in and take positions. You have thirty seconds."

They moved quickly, her ears following their footsteps until they disappeared.

"You two gonna get along enough to save the hostages?"

"There's not gonna be a problem, right Ghost?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Not as long as you do your job."

"See, we're going to get on great," she commented, eyes back on Price.

He seemed a little unconvinced but nodded. "Right. Their time is up, move in."

She fell into her training, Ghost hanging back for her to take the lead.

It was better that way; he likely knew the space, she would be seeing it for the first time. The more realistic this was, the better.

The hallway was long and without doors, the end splitting in either direction. She moved forward, feet silent as she approached the fork where she paused to listen before signaling Ghost to the other side.

At her command, they peered into the halls, finding both empty.

Based on the length of the building, she went right, passing Ghost and following along the wall. An intersecting hall branched from her left and she paused, listened, then scoped.


They continued down the hall, finally coming to a room.

Ghost stayed in the hall while Drew breached. Papers were stacked in a pile, there was a computer, bulletin boards—everything to make the scenario more realistic.

She checked behind the desk.


Retreating from the room, they continued to the end of the hall where she heard a shuffle.

She held up a fist.

Keeping herself low, she peered around the corner, seeing two individuals through the window of an office at the end of the hall. Moving back to cover, she let her voice low, "Hostages located. Furthest room down the hall."

She was careful as she came around the corner again, scanning. Three doorways stood between them and the office. The first, on the right, they cleared quickly, finding it empty..

The next, was on the left. Drew paused, listening while her eyes were focused on the two people down the hall.

Then she breached the next room, with Ghost watching her tail from the doorway. This room was set up as another office, and she toured it silently, scanning the space.

"Clear," she stated.

Her eyes went over the papers on the desk, before something caught her eye.

A cellphone tossed to the side. A cellphone that was open to text messages.


"Let's go Daisy," Ghost said in a hushed voice.

She ignored him, glancing back to the phone.

Daisy | Simon RileyWhere stories live. Discover now