The secret is out

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After a night of romance, mystery, and utter chaos, excitement flooded through the town as a new day dawned. Everyone had heard the news about the prince's lover and of course was eager to be that lucky guy that got to marry him.

Back at the Manor, Nerissa was already up and dressed. She seemed awfully eager about something as she raced up the steps calling out "SMG3?" "SMG3!?" "SMG3!!!" Three opened the door, dressed in his usual attire. "Oh there you are. Where are Mario and Luigi?" Three, with a newly pointed finger, replied "How should I know? It's not my job to be keeper for those buffoons! They're probably in bed or something." Nerissa groaned, but especially didn't like this new temper of his. "Don't just stand there! Bring up breakfast at once!" She stormed off to the rooms while Three raised an eyebrow. Eggdog was also a bit curious on what the fuss was to which Three shrugged and went to go grab the trays. Apparently he hadn't heard the news.

Nerissa slammed open Luigi's door and went to open the curtains. "Luigi get up!" He yawned and rubbed his eyes. "What?" He shielded his eyes from the high rays of sunlight as Nerissa spoke in a stern tone "Get up. Quick. This instant." She then opened the door to Mario's room and told him to get up as well. "Noooo Mario doesn't want to get up." Nerissa finally cut to the chase and told him "The whole kingdom is talking about it! Hurry, he will be here any minute." Luigi came walking in, still sleepy. "Who?"

Nerissa shot back at them with a "Really?" look. How did she get stuck with raising these two morons. "The royal advisor of course! She's been hunting all night for that boy!" She informed them as she ripped clothes out of the closet. Three was carrying in the breakfast trays when he stopped upon hearing the conversation. "The one who lost his slipper at the ball last night. They say that he's madly in love with him."

"The advisor is in love with the stranger?" Mario replied, confused. "NO YOU IDIOT! THE PRINCE IS!" Three dropped the tray in surprise, causing all the dishes to shatter. He just stood there, flabbergasted while muttering "The prince..." Could it be true? Could the prince actually be in love with him? Three's heart fluttered when those thoughts swarmed his head.

Nerissa whipped her head around to see the mess of broken plates and cups in front of her. "You clumsy idiot! Clean that up and help your brothers dress!" Three silently knelt down and picked up the shattered dishes while watching. Luigi and Mario lost interest as they climbed back into bed.

"Why should we care?"

"Yeah. If the prince is in love with that weirdo then why should Mario care?"

They dragged the covers over each other until Nerissa came over and snatched it out of their grip. "Now you two, listen to me! There's still a chance that one of you can get him." The boys were riveted as they woke up in high alert. "One of us!?" Turns out that there was a twist to this little announcement. "No one, not even the prince, knows who that girl is." Eggdog barked excitedly as he knew exactly who it was. "The glass slipper is their only clue. The advisor has been ordered to try it on every person in the kingdom." Three listened closely, awaiting to hear what would happen if he revealed his little secret. "And if the one who fits the slipper is found, then, by the king's command, THAT BOY WILL BE THE PRINCE'S BRIDE!"

Three, Mario, and Luigi, all dropped their mouths in shock. "His bride..." "HIS BRIDE!?" Mario and Luigi shot up out of bed and began gathering up clothes. They threw them all at Three while shooting conflicting orders on what to do with them. He wasn't listening however, as instead he was daydreaming and blushing with hearts in his eyes. Mario was the first to notice as he turned around and pointed kinda rudely. "What's the matter with him?" Luigi came up behind him while calling out "Wake up stupid! We have to get dressed!" Three snapped out of his thoughts while mumbling "Dressed..." and looked down at his outfit. "Oh yes we must get dressed." He instantly forgot his duties and shoved the pile of clothes into Mario's hands, leaving the room.

Mario, Luigi, and Nerissa, all looked puzzled as they peaked out the room while Three was telling himself "I can't let the royal advisor see me some kind of bum." Mario turned to Nerissa and yelled "Did you just see what he did to Mario!?" Luigi also was insulted as he remarked "Are you seriously going to let him get away with-"

"Quiet." Nerissa had noticed how Three seemed to act much more strangely than usual. He was giggling and rushing up the stairs with Eggdog. Suddenly Nerissa's eyes started to narrow and her mouth scowled, nothing said as she silently followed the happy man. It was almost like he knew something....she didn't. Something had clicked for her as she knew exactly what had happened that night. Eggdog was walking until he heard footsteps behind him. He hid under a board and whimpered as the woman made her way past him.

Three was humming, brushing his hair in the mirror while Nerissa inched closer, and closer, and closer. He set the brush down and looked up to see in the mirror, his sinister stepmother at the door. He gasped and turned around to see her slam the door and lock it. In a wave of panic, he rushed over and pulled on the door handle as strongly as he could, but it was no use. No matter how much he tried, the door wouldn't budge. Three fell on the ground, breaking into a state of tears. "DON'T DO THIS PLEASE! YOU CAN'T BE THIS CRUEL! LET ME OUT! YOU JUST CAN'T DO THIS!" Eggdog came out of his hiding place to see Nerissa place the key that she had locked the door with, into her pocket.

Three didn't deserve this. He deserved to be with Four. Eggdog growled as he knew what he had to do. He was going to give his dad the happiness he had earned. No matter what, he was going to get that key...

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