The Ball

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Author's note: Happy valentines day! Obviously I wanted to save the most romantic chapter for this special day. I think this one will be my favorite.

The horses pulled as quickly as they could. After a while, the carriage had arrived, standing in front of the magnificent palace. "Good luck dad!" Eggdog called out as Three carefully stepped out. Meanwhile, all the guests had lined up to graciously meet the prince. Four looked worn out already. Each of them would bow or curtsy to him, to which the prince would bow back. The king and Meggy sat at the balcony that surrounded the ballroom, eagerly looking for any signs of love. So far there was no luck as Four just yawned and rolled his eyes. The king looked highly annoyed as he slammed his fist on the surface of the balcony rails. "I don't understand! Why isn't he cooperating? There must be at least one who'd make a suitable mother!" Meggy gasped and shushed him. "Sire!" He was getting a little too wrapped up in his son's future. "I mean a suitable wife..."

Three carefully made his way up the steps and past the guards. They eyed him suspiciously while he tried to avoid eye contact. It was bad enough being forced to wear this silly dress. Three spotted his friends among the lovely ladies and fine gentlemen. Bob was wearing his usual wear, but with a bowtie and a top hat. Boopkins had wore a blue tie and was squealing excitedly. "Hey guys!" Bob and Boopkins turned to find the person they were least expected to find here...and dressed like that. "Hey SMG3! Why are you wearing a dress?" Bob pointed at him and shouted "LOL! YOU'RE DRESSED LIKE THAT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO MARRY THE PRINCE! GAY!" Three's face turned beet red and he put a hand over Bob's mouth to shush him. "Shut up Bob!" He sighed and said "I was in a rush and Mario and Luigi ripped the suit I had initially planed to wear." Bob looked unimpressed while Boopkins looked concerned. "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Anyways have you seen Miku? I want to show her my fan art!"

Mario and Luigi were being presented to the prince. Luigi bowed respectfully while Mario leaned over in a strange way that kinda creeped Four out. He was about to bow when suddenly he spotted someone across the room that looked absolutely stunning. "Um excuse me for a second." Four politely says as he walked past the brothers to find out who that mysterious person was. Luigi was confused as Mario crossed his arms and said "He didn't bow to Mario! How rude! Hmmph." The king shot up from his seat, leaning on the balcony to see what was happening. Meggy also noticed and went up to look as well. Boopkins was still blabbering on about the anime girl's work when Bob noticed the prince walking towards them. "HOLY CRAP! THE PRINCE IS HERE!" Bob stood in a manly pose and Boopkins paused to watch. 

Three turned around to see Four waving at him. "Hello! Who might you be if you don't mind me asking?" Three blushed as he could feel his heart beating loud. "Uhhh I'm-" Four looked confused as he pointed to Three's attire. "Um why are you wearing a dress?" Three's eyes widened as he looked down. He was making a complete fool of himself in front of the prince. "O-o-oh that. Well you see I was in a hurry and-" Four giggled. "It's okay. It looks beautiful on you!" How kind the prince was.  He giggled and replied back "T-t-thank you." The king was astonished. "HA HAH! I KNEW IT!" Meggy almost fell over at his sudden outburst.

"Would you like to dance?" Four asked as he held out his hand. Three blinked and looked back and Boopkins and Bob. "Go on!" said Boopkins. "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" Bob kept chanting. Three softly grabbed Four's hand and said "Sure." They both made their way to the dance floor. Boopkins squealed of cuteness till he saw Miku, watching with the crowd of people. Boopkins dashed off after her, calling out "MIKU! I LOVE ALL YOUR WORK!" Once the king saw the two heading towards the dance floor he quickly instructed the orchestra "The waltz! Quick!" Everything had to be perfect as he commanded "The lights!"

The music started to play and the lights dimmed as all eyes were pinned on the two boys. Four softly grabbed Three by the waist and squeezed his hand. This made Three blush more has he squeezed his hand back. Was it wrong that he liked this? The two started to twirl and dance around all around the ballroom. Both of their eyes were stuck, looking into each other's sparking  eyes. The king watched them for a few minutes and then yawned. "Well I'm off to bed. Stay here Meggy and notify me immediately when my son proposes." Meggy nodded as she sat down to watch. She was quite enjoying herself actually as this was so cute to watch. "He won't propose that quickly? Right?" Meggy wondered as the king left and the boys continued to dance.

Nerissa, Mario, and Luigi were watching from the crowd. "Who is this guy mother? Do we know him?" Nerissa squinted her eyes. "And why is this guy wearing a dress?" Mario pointed out. Upon closer inspection she said "There is something familiar about him." The two continued to dance all the way outside. Neirssa tried to get closer, but Meggy closed the curtains to stop her. "Sorry ma'am but his highness should not be disturbed."

Four twirled Three and they continued to dance together. Three had never felt this way before. He had never thought he would care about anyone else. Four also felt something new, but he couldn't quite understand what it was. Despite that he never laid a single second off of Three's eyes, nor did Three.

So this is love...

This is what makes my life worthwhile...

Three and Four decided to go for a walk outside the palace, enjoying each other's company.

I'm all aglow...

And now I know...

The key to all heaven is mine!

Four brought Three to a sparkling fountain where they saw the water ripple. That smile of Four's was so enchanting.

My heart is pounding...

I feel as if I could fly...

The boys then made their way to a courtyard and looked up in the twinkling stars in the sky. Maybe this is the freedom Three was longing for. The success that his heart had promised.

This is the miracle that iv'e been dreaming of...

They stopped at a fancy bridge to look at their reflections in the water. It seemed to create a heart shaped form around them as they looked into each other's eyes. Four was so dazzling, so kind, so gorgeous, so perfect.

So this is love...

SMG4 Cinderella AUWhere stories live. Discover now