Eggdog's Expert Craftsmanship

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The messenger pulls out a envelope with a ribbon of the royal seal, and announces "An urgent message from his imperial majesty!" Three takes the invitation and says "Uhhh..Thanks?" Bob strikes interest first. "FROM THE KING!? WHAT DOES IT SAY!?" Boopkins was excited as well. "Yeah Three! What does it say?" He looked at it and said "I don't know. It says it's urgent."

Three shrugged. "Guess I've got to interrupt the music lesson. If you can call it that..." He puts up the sign on the counter that reads: Gone on break. Eggdog, being the curious pup he is, decides to follow.

Back with the boys, Mario is singing in such a high pitched tune that Luigi covers his ears. "Shut up Mario! I can't hear myself think!" Mario gets a attitude about the whole thing. "You're just jealous that Mario is much better at singing than you!"

"I sound a thousand times better on my Flute!"

"You're stinky!"

"No you are!"

Nerissa tries to calm them down. "Boys. Remember, above all self-control." The brothers stop arguing, but stick their tongues out at each other. Nerissa is about to start the song again when a knock arrives at the door. She slams the keyboard in frustration. "YES!" Three opens the door with Eggdog trailing behind him. "SMG3! I warned you to never interrupt-" Three rolls his eyes and holds out the invitation. "Here. From the palace." Luigi and Mario bolt across the room and snatch the invitation out of Three's hands. "Let Mario see!" Luigi grabs it and says "I had it first Mario!" The two fight over the piece of paper till Nerissa grabs it. "I'll read it!" Good thing. That important scroll would have ripped if someone didn't intervene.

"There's to be a ball."

"A BALL!?"

"In honor of his highness, Prince SMG4."

"Prince SMG4!?"

"And by royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend."

The two boys start freaking out. "Oooo Mario is much more eligible than a woman."

Three was enticed as well. A ball would be just the thing to give him a break from his work. Maybe he actually could get some freedom after all. "Great. I'll come too." Mario and Luigi look at him confused for a second. They then burst into laughter. "Hahahahahahah! Imagine SMG3 and SMG4 dancing!" Mario started mocking them, using the flute Luigi was practicing with. "I'm so gay for you prince! Hold my broom for me!" The boys danced around in circles, laughing. Three crossed his arms while Eggdog was mad that those idiots for insulting his owner like that. "Why not! I'm still a member of this family and I deserve a break!" Nerissa scowled, slowly turning into a smug grin. "I don't see why not if you get your work done and find something suitable to wear." Three was surprised. His stepmother was never this nice to him. "Great. It's a deal then!" He rushed back to his room to quickly find something to wear. Mario and Luigi watched him with their mouths hanging open. "Mother did you realize what you said?"

"Yeah! Mario doesn't want stinky SMG3 to come!" Nerissa smiled and said "Of course. I said if." The brothers shared a glance before smirking. "Oh. If.." They chuckled. Three was not going anywhere if they had anything to say about it.

Three pulled out a dusty old suit that looked like it was falling apart. All that dust made Eggdog sneeze. "This will do. It was my father's, but it looks very old." Eggdog tilted his head, confused. "Well I can fix that. Wait a minute." Three remembered something. He grabbed out of a secret compartment, his notebook. Flipping through the pages, he found a sketch he was trying to recreate from his dream. He looked from the suit to the page and tapped his chin in thought. He said "I'll have to fix that hole in the sleeves, iron it out, find a tie-"

"SMG3!" He rolled his eyes and turned towards the door. "Now what do they want?" He got up and sighed. "Guess the suit will have to wait... A long time." More screams ensue and Eggdog watches Three go downstairs. He barks sadly. Poor Three. That guy just couldn't get a break. He'll never get to the ball. With all that work, that suit will never get done. Eggdog suddenly got an idea. He could make the suit for Three! Eggdog had always watched Three patch clothes, and learned a lot from it. He took some scissors with his mouth out of the basket. Then thread, fabric, sewing needle. Only one thing was missing... a tie.

Eggdog snuck downstairs to find the boys tossing clothes to Three. Before he left, Nerissa stopped him. "SMG3. When you're through, and before you begin your regular duties, I have a few things for you as well." After he left, Mario was holding something while complaining. Just what Eggdog needed. A red tie that looked absolutely perfect. However, Mario certainly didn't think so. "Mario doesn't see why everyone else has such nice clothes, and Mario gets stuck with this itchy tie!" He throws the tie in anger. Luigi storms up behind him. "You're one to talk. Look at this stupid belt! Trash!" He hurls the belt down and both boys leave the room, complaing. Eggdog quickly collects these items and rushes back upstairs to finish the suit. One thing rounds the corner as he makes his escape. Lucifer and Eggdog rush around the room till Eggdog dives into a pile of clothes, and the cat follows him.

Eggdog manages to dodge the cat and retreats up to the bedroom. The rest of the day Eggdog continues to sew and stitch the elegant suit. After hours of work Eggdog had finally finished, adjusted the tie for the final touch. What a surprise this was going to be. He couldn't wait for Three to see the most handsome outfit, done by his own dog. Three was finally going to get the night of his dreams that he deserved.

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