A Young Servant

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom...

It was peaceful, prosperous, and known for its romance and customs. Upon a hill sat a beautiful manor where a young gentlemen resided with his son, SMG3. The man was very compassionate and a devoted father, who gave his beloved child every luxury and comfort he could provide. Their life was perfect as it was filled with happiness, commitment, and love. Three even had his best friend by his side, a little white dog he named, Eggdog.

However, all good things must come to an end. Three's father felt that he needed a mother's care to guide him after his mother had died not too long ago by an unexpected illness. He then married again, choosing for his second wife a woman with good family. Nerissa. She owned a wealthy cafe and had two sons that were just Three's age. Mario and Luigi.

Things soon took a turn for the worst as an untimely death was inflicted upon this innocent man to which his son fell into despair. This revealed that Nerissa's true nature was just a heart filled with cruelty, darkness, and bitterness. She became determined to only show attention for her two idiot sons. As time went on the manor fell into disrepair as the family fortunes had been used to please the spoiled brothers while Three was abused, humiliated, and when finally was old enough to work, was forced to become their servant and operate as a bartender at the cafe.

Yet through it all, Three stayed determined and hard-working. For with each new passing day, he hoped that someday his dreams of freedom and success would come true...

Years later... (Three, Mario, and Luigi are now 25)

The sunrise hits the old manor as morning dawns. Sunlight floods through the windows and pours into Three's room. He didn't have much. A rickety bed with old sheets, a simple wooden closet that could only hold his pajamas and signature overalls, and a small vanity for his brush with a slightly cracked mirror. It wasn't a lot but it would do. Eggdog gets up from his bed and stretches his legs, yawning. He then makes his way over to Three and licks him in the face.

Three grumbles as he takes his pillow and throws it over his head. Eggdog then starts barking to get his owner's attention. Three sighs and gets up, patting the small pup on the head. "Couldn't wait to spoil my best dream huh?" Eggdog then jumps off the bed and heads to the window to signify the beautiful day that it was outside. "I don't care that it's a lovely morning. My dream was better!" Eggdog slightly crooks his head. The little dog was curious on what the man's dream was.

Three gets out of bed and smiles at the pup. "Sorry buddy I can't tell you what it is or it won't come true." The Eggdog yips a little as Three makes his way to the closet. "After all, a dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep." He takes out his casual overalls and starts to get dressed. Just because he's a servant for those jerks doesn't mean he has to look like one. "In dreams you can lose your heartaches and whatever you wish for you keep." He goes over to the vanity and takes the brush up to his messy hair. His dreams might have been peaceful but his hair certainly did not agree. "Have faith in your dreams my little Eggdog and someday the sun will come shinning through." Three brushes his teeth and puts on his signature cap.

"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true!"


"Oi! Will that clock ever shut up!" What an old spoilsport that clock was. Never gave Three a moments peace. "That stupid thing just wants me to get to work like all the rest of them!" Eggdog sensed his owner's anger as he started barking and yapping at that busted piece of junk. Three's expression relaxes a little. "Well they can't stop me from dreaming." Eggdog smiles sweetly as Three picks him up and embraces the little guy. "Perhaps someday the dream that I wish will come true." No time to dwell on that now. There was work to be done. Three gives Eggdog a small kiss and sets him down to makes the bed. "No matter how much my heart is grieving, if I keep on believing the dream that I wish will come true." He takes one more good look in the mirror till something interrupts him.

It sounds like...Eggdog...barking? Three spared no expense and quickly made his way down the stairs to see what the trouble was. God help him if something hurt his beloved dog. Then he saw it, a mouse stuck in a rat trap. Eggdog could see the mouse's distress and was whimpering. Three blinked a couple of times and then sighed. That poor little mouse looked scared to death. "Relax I'll get you out in a second." He opened the trap and gently got the mouse out. As soon as he placed it on the ground it scurried off towards the kitchen. As Three watched, he wiped his hands and directed his attention to Eggdog.  He slowly crouched down and stroked the pup's smooth white fur. "I've got to get to work. Keep out of trouble and watch out for Lucifier. Okay buddy?" Eggdog nodded and barked to which Three replied with a smile and a thumbs up. He marched right down the stairs.

Lucifer was the stepmother's cat. Eggdog and Lucifer had hated each other ever since they laid eyes upon one another. They were always fighting and at odds, but Three always protected and stood up for his best friend.

Now what was first on Three's list of chores.


Right. Feeding that darn cat.

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