He felt like home.

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We're watching a movie about, uhm, no idea, Haven't been paying attention.

I should tell you, I have classes like math or english with different people than I do with history. Just sad none of my friends took history, so now nobody sits next to me.


Someone knocks at the door. 'Come in!' Mr Wellstone yells.

A guy walks in. His blue eyes scanning the room, till he stops when he sees me.

It took me a few seconds to realize it was Azrael. Fuck! I sighed.

'Ah! Azra, great that you're here! Last minute switching of classes is normal, but you picking history?' 'Yeah, well guess I am better in History than I am in Latin!' He sarcastically said.

'Pick a seat! Not a lot left.' Mr Wellstone whispers something into Azra's ears while looking at me. It either must be something sexual or something supposedly funny.

Azra starts walking over to the opposite side of the classroom. I sigh of relief. Yes!

Then he starts making his way around the tables, plopping down next to me.

FUCK! Mr Wellstone puts on the movie again. Resulting in Azra talking to me

'Hey Mora!' 'Never thought i'd see you again huh?' His big blue eyes were looking at me, waiting for me to answer. 'Soo... can I get your snap?' 'Really?' 'Well, it's not like you've been watching the movie at all.' 'I have?' 'Then what's it about?' 'Colombus.' 'What did he do?' 'Discover America?' 'But?' 'But what?' 'Why did he discover America?' 'Uhm..'

'Told ya!' 'He turns back to watch the movie. 'Putting his head on his arms. Not going to lie, Azra is quite attractive. Wait?! What am I thinking? He's a dick, and hes friends with Mason..


The bell rings. I hesistate to write my snapchat on a paper and give it to him, but with hesitation I still do it. While he's busy packing his stuff up, I put the paper on his desk, and walk away. While walking to my locker, to put my heavy ass books away. Yara comes up to me and leans against my locker. 'Wanna hang out at my place tonight?' 'If it makes you feel any better, a few friends of mine are coming, women.' I hesitate for a moment. 'Sure, what time?' '9 am?' 'Sure!'

Yara turns her back and continues walking. 'Wait, Yara!' She turns her head. 'Yeah?'

'No nevermind, i'll ask you later.' I say. Yara smiles, as she continues walking.

I check my phone:

1 friend request -Snapchat

I smile. This bastard. I always have a five minute break between each class, which is a good thing. But sometimes people I don't like come up to me in this break. Like Mason!

'What are you smiling at? Already found a new lapdog?' 'Mason, please stop talking. My ears are about to bleed.' He grabs my phone. 'A snapchat notification? Lets check it out!'

I grab my phone back. 'I have to go, just leave me alone.' I check which class I have; French.

Yay! Great. I grab my french books, and make my way to French class. I like french, it's easy. Only thing bad about it is my class, they're inmature and disrespectful. The french teacher is overly nice, but kind of stressed.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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