And then one day, your name didn't make me smile anymore.

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'I mean, do you like me?' I asked.

'Yeah? Of course!' He said, clearly doubting his answer.

'Do you like me, me?'

'What do you mean?'

'Do you like me? Or do you like my body?'

'You of course!'

If you were there, you could see that he was, well... He didn't mean what he said, he was clearly lying. 'What are you trying to imply?' He started frowning. 'It's nothing, never mind.' 'No, what's wrong?' 'I just, you know..' 'No I don't? Jesus Christ Mora, just fucking tell me what's wrong and stop being such a-'

'Mase, I'm sorry, can we come back to this conversation?'
'Didn't you start this fucking

conversation?' He angrily said. 'Yes, and I'm ending it now, can't we come back to it later?' 'Uhm, no? I answered your stupid question, now you answer mine.'

He was getting annoyed, which means he'd (probably) say that this fight was all my fault and that we should just break up, which sounds really bad, but trust me he is the sweetest of all! He just has his "bad" moments I guess?

'Alright Mora, I'm done. We're done, got it?'

'What do you mean with we're done?'

'You're so fucking annoying.'

At this point I was starting to get annoyed too.

'Just shut up, alright? My head hurts, I'm leaving this shithole.'

He wasn't shouting, but he wasn't very calm either. I was happy he wasn't throwing stuff around, not so sure if that's a thing to be happy about.

'You're right, you should leave this "shithole."

'Excuse me? After ALL I've done for you, you do this. Don't you get it? If you never asked this stupid fucking question this wouldn't have happened. My fucking god, you're so fucking dumb.

He stood there, thinking for a few seconds. Then he said this:

You know what Mora, you're right, guys only like you because of your body, you should put a bag over your head when you fuck someone again, maybe they can finish then.' 'Fucking slut..' He mumbled

'Just get the fuck out Mason.' 'I was about to, we're done.' 'Trust me, I won't be coming back here.'

I knew he was going to apologize at school tomorrow, and say how sorry he was, that he didn't mean what he said, and that this was all a mistake and that he loved me,

but it still felt weird, this time it felt like he did mean what he said.

He walked out of my room, my dorm room. My only place to be myself, now invested with the smell of him, of Mason.

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