The stone ruin

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Deep into a dark forest sat a ruin of what once was a castle; the stone was covered in moss and it was crawling with bugs of all sorts. But the creatures seemed to be gathering in one specific place beneath the dirt. The ground there was uneven, if you were to get close it would smell terribly. Maggots, digging into the soil were what seemed like a body was buried shallowly. Whoever had done it seemed to be in a rush, it was done horribly. The body was being swarmed by flies and ants, maggots hatching from-out the soil. The body decomposed slowly, what seemed to be a year had passed, the odor lingered upon that patch of ground. The moss on the stone ruins grew by, as the weeds and vines grew over the ground, swallowing the body in a thick layer of weeds. The body had never been found, it had been buried almost next to the stone ruin.

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