Chapter 14: Visits

Start from the beginning

After that, the two left the premises thru a portal as the man and the little girl watched them from the window.

That man is known as Overhaul, and he has been acting as the leader of the Shie Hassakai group since the death of his adoptive father, leaving behind Eri, the girl and his sister, who had recently awakened a powerful quirk.

He plans to use her blood to somehow harness the effects of her quirk and rid this world with the plague. To do that, he needs a specific doctor, but unfortunately, the doctor he planned to get was taken by the LOV, a villain group with suspicious records and zero accomplishments.

Unfortunately, those bastards wanted to have Eri for reasons unknown. Pissed, he scrapped the deal and decided to conduct his plan himself.

Since that day, he started manipulating and abusing Eri, to the point that he forbid her to even see the light of day. However, his efforts bid no fruits of success and Eri was getting weaker and weaker each day for God knows why (most likely because of him).

Months after, the LOV contacted Overhaul again saying they'll give him the doctor if he just let them see Eri once again. Suspicious of the deal, Overhaul didn't accept at first but after thinking about it, he prepared his men and decides to accept. It was his worst and final decision before he died together with the whole Shie Hassakai group.

"So, you're the child of the previous leader of the Shie Hassakai group, you're insane adoptive older brother held you captive, made dumb decisions, and then everyone related to your group just died for pissing someone off??. Strange.. I've never even heard of that group before." Bakugo leaned on his chair while keeping his attention to the girl.

"... It's not well-known because the government hid everything about the Shie Hassakai group." Eri replies.

"And why is that—"

Suddenly, Bakugo was cut off by none other than his sensei coming in from the door.

"I see, you've gotten close to the kid."

Bakugo, slightly feeling embarrassed, denied the obvious truth. "O-of course not..!"

'He's really weird...' Eri thought.

"Anyways, I'm here to talk about what's going to happen to you, Eri." Aizawa sighs before sitting down beside Eri on the bed.

"Haa... They want to put you into the system, seeing as you have no other relatives who could take care of you.." Aizawa looks at Eri with a sympathetic look.

"System..? What is that?" Eri asks innocently. Yet her eyes tells a different story. It's like she's seeing through Aizawa.

"...It means you'll either be put in an orphanage or the commission takes you in. But, there are other options for you. If you want to atleast hear them, that is.." Aizawa replies.

"You want to adopt me, don't you?"

Aizawa was surprised... But nonetheless, he answered.

"Well... Yes."

"But what about my brother," Eri looks back at Izuku who was now staring at her, "I can't leave his side..."

"You don't have to." Aizawa reassured. "If you accept my proposal, then you'll be our daughter.. and we will definitely not leave you alone by yourself. Me and my husband both work at UA, so you'll be safe as long as you're in-campus."

"Wait—, you're married??!" Bakugo butts in in surprise. "With who??"

Aizawa looked at Bakugo with a deadpanned expression. "Thought it was pretty obvious. He's outside. Didn't want to come in because he doesn't wanna scare the kids."

Suddenly, Aizawa got a message from someone. It read, "You didn't have to out me like that!!" And the message came from...

"Present Mic?!?" Bakugo read in shock. "You're married to that guy??!" It was comical how Bakugo continued to yap about it.

Aizawa could only sigh in tiredness. Meanwhile, Mic was beet red out of embarrassment outside of the room. Eri was simply busy snuggling with Izuku as she weighed her options. Meanwhile, Izuku didn't even bother paying attention to the noice, he was just busy cuddling his sister.

"I'll... Think about it." Eri replies to Aizawa after a long wait.

"Alright," Aizawa smiles at the kid as he raised his hand to give her a pat, "I'll wait for your response."

"And you," Aizawa looks at Izuku, "Thanks for healing me that time.." Aizawa ruffled Izuku's hair after giving Eri a pat.

Izuku just stared back at him dumbfounded, maybe even a bit confused as he also checked his head. It was a tangled mess. Eri couldn't help but chuckle at her brother while Bakugo gave a smirk at the two....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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