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We heard some pounding and all of us froze I turned towards the source..which was the trunk of the car we borrowed.

"So nice to hear you guys bonding. Ah it's such a shame I have to go- let me go~" we heard the squires muffled cries.

"Oh yeah the punk in the trunk! Let's go dunk on the punk in the trunk." Nimona said while clicking her joints.

I made my way over to the car and opened the trunk while the two taller, although one was only slightly taller, more intimidating people stood behind me.

Nimona quickly approached when the squire looked at the three of us before gasping in fright and whimpering.

"Start talking." Bal commanded.

"He wants blood." I chipped in.

"Blood?" The squire asked scared.

"Your blood!" Nimona continued.

"I don't want blood." Bal said from behind us. His arms crossed in an intimidating way as he stood over the squire.

"What I want is answers. So let's start talking."

"Or we start stabbing."

"No stabbing-"


"No not that either! Why did you set me up?"

"I didn't-" the squire was about to explain before being interrupted.

"Then who?"




"Just let me explain."

"Blanche? Chad? Todd?" Bal listed.


"Punchable face guy?" Nimona said with a smile.

"Of course Todd swapped my sword, didn't he?" Bal said while leaning intimidatingly closer to the squire.

"What- no!" The squire said nervously.

"Why are you protecting him?" I asked confused.

"Who would protect Todd?" The squire said genuinely confused for a second making me laugh.

"Guess we're gonna have to do this things the hard way." Nimona said while walking out the squires line of sight and shape shifting into the Demon baby from earlier.

"Peekaboo~" Nimona said causing the squire to scream and pull out his phone.

"Here look!" The squire pulled out his phone, it was embarrassing video of the squire getting all giddy about bal's armour.

"Awkward." Nimona said as we all cringed.

"Oh- we can just fast forward..this is the part you have to see." He said playing the video at a part, someone was coming. The director. She sabotaged bal. She did this.

"She killed the queen.." I mumbled as she swapped the swords.

Bals expression darkened as he lowered the phone to his side. "The director set me up. She killed the queen." Bal mumbled.

"I, I didn't know what to do. I tried to show you before." The squire said.

"None of this makes sense." I mumbled as bal backed away from me and Nimona pulling his hood up and stalking off, me and Nimona soon following after.

The youngest decendent (Nimona plot line )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ