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Enjoy!!! (I'm literally to tired to write something here)
TW: kinda swearing not really though

He walks to the door.

"Have fun getting arrested!" Nimona says.

"I am not going to get arrested!" Bal says as he slams the door.

"How long do you think he will make it before he gets arrested?" Nimona asks me.

"Hmm I think ten minutes max." I reply.

"Nah it's going to be seven at the most." She says with a smirk.

We wait for a while until we hear a ding from the computer.

And a news report starts to play "BREAKING NEWS! The queen killer has been found and taken into the royal jail."

"How long was it?"

"Six minutes"

"Damn it!"

Time skip

I have my black cloak over my face so that no one recognises me, I watch as the director leaves the jail and I slowly sneak in from around the corner.

I slowly run over to the cell that they were holding bal in and smile "Hi! Bal, nimona- wait nimona? How did you- nevermind let's get you out of here" I say to the two with a sigh.

"I've got to hand it to you." Nimona says to bal while passing him his robot arm.

"Thank you, both of you." He says.

"Don't thank me yet." She replied

He looks around for her.

"I still got to get you out of here." She says while appearing next to me I jump not expecting her to appear so suddenly.

"Wait. How did you get out?" Bal asks while looking around.

Nimona walks infront of me while dragging her hands across the metal bars while going up to the key pad.

"I know the code, beep bop boop beep bop." She says while touching the keys before the automated voice says "Invalid password" so she just punches it and it opens "After you." She says.

"No?" She questions when she sees that he doesn't leave the cell.

"Well I guess you could sit here for the rest of eternity, slowly watching your muscles atrophy, your skin turning to rot, your nails growing into long, curly-fry-looking talons." She says while making exaggerated actions.

"You know there's no toilet in there right?" I ask as Nimona makes a water droplet noise.

"Okay, okay, but I lead." He says.

"If you see anyone-"

"murder 'em."

"Shoot them!" We say at the same time with me holding up my bow and her holding up a dagger that she got from who knows where.

"Hide! If you see anyone, hide. No shooting or- or murdering anyone!" He finished.

"Fine, because we're still gonna break stuff." She says while walking (in way that I cannot describe other than ridiculously determined?)

"That's a hard no!" He says.

Nimona just groans while I reply with an "aww" and frown.

I watch as bal tries to get out as fast and as stealthily as possible but Nimona is being really loud and slow, so she probably has something up her sleeve so I walk at the same pace as her just a little behind her.

The youngest decendent (Nimona plot line )Where stories live. Discover now