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"Starving? Than slay you hunger with dragon crisps! Crunch! Munch! Take that. All right yeah!" The advert plays on the train TV.

Freida is sitting next to Ballister while Nimona sits across from them eating a, definitely not eatable, pizza.

Bal and Frieda watches her with disgust and disbelief on their faces.

"You've been staring. Does somebody want some pizza?" Nimona says teasingly.

"That is definitely not sanitary." Freida murmured with disgust written all over her face.

"Can you just be normal. For a second." Bal said.

"Normal?" Nimona asked. "I think it would just be easier if you were a girl." He said.

"Easier to be a girl?" Frieda asks with a scoff.

"You're hilarious." Nimona said.

"I- I mean easier if you look human." Bal corrected himself.

"Easier for who?" Nimona asked.

"For you." Bal said while pointing at her.

"A lot of people aren't as accepting as me and Freida." He said with a warm smile.

"Mhm?" She mumbled sarcastically.

"How did you get like this?" Bal muttered and Frieda elbowed him in the ribs.

"Bal!" She whisper shouted.

"What you mean awesome?" Nimona says smugly.

"No- how do you..I'm just trying to understand what I'm working with here." Bal said.

"I'm. Nimona." she said slowly while turning her head to the side.

"That means literally nothing." Bal said.

"No you're right." Nimona said while changing back into a girl.

"You deserve a better explanation than that. I was just a kid. Cute. Little. Innocent me. I was playing in the wood. Following the birds flying. The fish swimming and the deer bounding. They all looked so happy together, but I? I was alone. That's when I heard it, a song calling me leading me to a wishing well-"

"-A wishing well? How do you know it wasn't just a regular well?" Bal interrupted.

"Do you want to tell my story for me? As I slowly approached the well a coin appeared in the palm of my hand as if by magic and I knew what I had to do. I summoned my courage held the coin tight threw it into the well and made a wish! A wish to one day be trapped on a subway. With an uptight knight asking me small minded questions." She finished sarcastically.

"You really had me invested in that story." Freida said with a smile although they couldn't really see it because of her hood.

They all sit in silence for the next few seconds as bal and Nimona have what looks like to be a staring contest.

"Do you still have that pizza?" Bal grumbled. Once Nimona passed it to him he threw it at her head earning a laugh from the two girls.

"Ding dong! Now arriving at market station." The intercom says.

"Cool we're here! Aww! And so are your friends, and brother." She said while resting her hands against the window.

Frieda and Bal both look out the window and see around 20 knights and my brother standing there. Her brother having a look of fury on his face once he saw bal and noticed Frieda,whose hood fell off her head revealing her face.

Bal quickly scrambled to pull Nimona and Frieda out of sight.

"Do you think he saw us." Bal said quietly with a questioning tone.

Nimona rises and they see many little dots, indicating that there were crossbows pointed at her forehead.

"Yes." Nimona answered simply. All of the sudden the glass window above them shattered as the knights threw something inside the subway.

It quickly exploded some gas making it hard to see.

"Go! Go! Go!" One of the knights can be heard.

Many consecutive "clear" can be heard from the knights as Ambrosius entered the train.

He froze before looking upwards.

"What in the name of Gloreth?" He muttered while looking at the whole in the roof of the subway.

I'm bacckkkkk!

Sorry for taking a while to update again but i have been busy.

I know this is a smaller update but there will be another one coming out soon after this because I didn't really know how to continue this chapter on so I just decided to break it down into two different chapters.

Thanks for being patient!!!

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